Phone: (610) 489-5000 X 41304


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Education: English and Master's in Education: Reading

Mrs. Maureen Stanko

       I have been teaching the Challenge Program since 1994.  I initially became a staff member at Methacton in 1990 when I worked as a Chapter I Reading Instructional Aide at Methacton Senior High School.  In addition to teaching Challenge at Eagleville, I taught the gifted population at Arcola Intermediate School, Woodland Elementary, and Arrowhead Elementary.  I love teaching Challenge and find that I am constantly learning as much from my students as they are from me! 
       Outside of school, I am a wife as well as the mother of two very active boys.   I enjoy spending time with my family at places such as the shore, Knoebels, and Raystown Lake.  My favorite hobbies are reading, teaching fitness classes to adults, cooking, and playing the guitar at local venues with my band, "You, Me, and Reenie."