
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                August 2019


    Dear Kindergartener,

           I hope you are having a fantastic summer! It is a great time to enjoy your family and friends. I am looking forward to hearing all about your summertime activities.  Are you ready for a fantastic school year? I can’t wait to meet you and your classmates. I am so excited to be your teacher this year. Kindergarten is going to be a blast! This year we will be learning many exciting new things. We will be using numbers every day in math. We will learn how to read, write and work together as a team. I have many fun activities planned for our year together!

          Now is a good time to practice some skills you will need in school. Be sure to practice recognizing and writing your name. Math is everywhere! Look for numbers when you are at the store. Count how many books you have and find out the TV channel numbers on which you watch your favorite shows.

          Most of the supplies you will need are here at school waiting for you. You will need to bring a backpack the first day of school. The only other supplies you will need are listed below.  

          I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer. Get ready to be part of an awesome class!


                                                                                                                       Mrs. Juckniewitz


    Kindergarten Back-to-School Supplies

    1. Schoolbag (large size)
    2. Glue Sticks (small size)
    3. A smock (in a Zip-lock bag with your name on it: an adult t-shirt works great)
    4. Dry erase markers (3)
    5. A pair of headphones for personal use (in a Zip-lock bag labeled with your name)

    The following items are optional and greatly appreciated for classroom donations:

    1. Hand soap
    2. Anti-bacterial wipes
    3. Tissues
    4. Bathroom disposable cups
    5. Zip-lock bags (large and small)


    We are excited about teaching your child and working with you to make this a very rewarding year for all of us! Enjoy the rest of your summer. We look forward to meeting you soon.


                                                                                                                                           Charane Juckniewitz



    I am excited about teaching your child and working with you to make this a very rewarding year for all of us! Enjoy the rest of your summer. I look forward to meeting you soon.

