• Bully Prevention 2016-17 Update

    From the Elementary School Counselors

    Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support is in its 6th year at the elementary level.



    Behavior expectations for all students will continue to be consistent across the district.  The three school-wide rules that apply within our school building, on the playgrounds and on the busses are:

    Be Safe                               Be Respectful                     Be Responsible


    Students are reminded of a three step “plan” they can use to address bullying behaviors:

    Say “Stop!” Students practice saying “stop” assertively.  The goal is for students to use their voice in an assertive, respectful manner. If the bullying behavior stops, no other action is needed. However, if the bullying behavior persists, continue to Step 2.

    Walk away or ignore the person doing the bullying behavior.  By taking away all attention from the negative behavior, the bully does not get a reaction and may discontinue the behavior.  If the bullying behavior continues, move onto Step 3.

             Talk to the closest adult to seek help for all students involved.  All staff are trained in how to respond to potential bullying situations.   


    You may have heard your child mention, “Em-bee-thy.”Em-bee-thy is a bee that teaches students about EMPATHY.  Students learn that EMPATHY is …

     Seeing with the eyes of another.

    Listening with the ears of another.

    Feeling with the heart of another.


     Empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another and imagining how he/she is feeling.



    This year students will be introduced to grit! Grit is setting a goal, trying hard (effort), sticking with it (perseverance), and learning from mistakes.



    Students will be reminded of our past word, RESILIENT. Being resilient means to “bounce back” when something unexpected occurs that makes you feel sad, scared, confused or frustrated. To be resilient, one must be flexible and be willing to try again.



    Last year students learned to be FLEXIBLE.  Being flexible means to accept a new or different way of doing something or thinking about something. Students will be encouraged to show a positive attitude about change, and to bounce back and go on with their day, especially during times of change.


    Ask your child about the above concepts. Your child’s personal and social growth can be enhanced through communication and the partnership of home and school. Have a great school year!