• Fast Facts
    • The total enrollment is nearly 5,000.
    • The 2019-20 budget is $111,863,608.
    • The district serves approximately 13,000 households.
    • MSD employs about 700 people, more than 400 of whom are teachers.
    Our Schools
    The Methacton School District (MSD) has long enjoyed a tradition of excellence in education and community involvement in our schools. The District, formed in 1969, was created by a 10-year merging the school districts that had previously served the Townships of Lower Providence and Worcester. "Methacton" is a Native American word referring to the "hill" area extending from Eagleville in Lower Providence Township through the Fairview Village area of Worcester Township, one of the highest elevations in Montgomery County. The name was chosen by a majority vote of the community members residing in the District at the time.

    The first thing accomplished as the two districts merged was the opening of the Lower Providence-Worcester Joint Junior-Senior High School in 1961. The school was later named Methacton, and graduated its first class in 1964.

    Vincent Farina, the man for whom the administration building is named, served as the first principal of the joint junior-senior high school.  After serving as the second Supervising Principal of the Lower Providence-Worcester Joint School System in 1962-63, he was later named the superintendent of the Methacton School District, a capacity he continued in until his retirement in 1977.