• Limerick Emergency Planning - Exelon Nuclear Energy Plant
    If your child’s school is in session at the time evacuation is recommended, children attending schools located within the emergency panning zone will be transported to Norristown High School. They will remain under supervision until picked up by parents or guardians. Please refer to the parent reunification guidelines on this website. These host schools have been planned to coincide with main evacuation routes. Children whose homes are inside the emergency planning zone, but who attend school outside the emergency planning zone, will not be sent home if an evacuation is recommended. They will remain at the school under supervision until picked up by parents or guardians. See the “County-specific School Information” within this brochure or contact school officials for more information.
    For more information about the plant, nuclear energy and other resources, please visit the Exelon website at http://www.exeloncorp.com/limerick.