• Student Emergency Forms
    Emergency forms are distributed at the start of each school year.  Please complete them carefully,  and return the completed forms to school during the first week.  Students are instructed to bring the completed forms to their homeroom teachers during that first week. It is of the utmost importance that you complete these forms so that we, as a school system, are able to contact you with regards to your child; please provide all phone numbers and e-mail contacts to facilitate nursing communication during an emergency.  Notify the office, using the "contact us" section of this web-page, with any changes throughout the school year.
    Physical Education Excuses 
    The school nurse is unable to excuse a child from physical education class regardless of injury or illness. If your child is ill or has a physical impediment that prevents him/her from participating in physical education a parental note is acceptable for two days per marking period.  If your child needs to extend that excuse for a longer period of time you must provide your child's physical education teacher with a physician's note with the diagnosis and length of time that the child will be unable to participate in physical education.  In some cases, a return to activity note from your physician is required. Contact your physical education instructor with regard to the return to activity note. 
    You must re-new your doctor's note each school year for any medication taken at school.  Doctor's notes do not carry over from the previous year. As per state law students are not to bring any medication to school whether it be over-the-counter medication or prescription medication without a physician's order.  If your child requires medication during the school day you can download the medication form on the forms page of this web site, take the form to your physician and bring the form with the medication to the nurse's office in its original container with a parent signature as well as a parent signature.
    Students are allowed to carry inhalers and epi-pens with a physician's note indicating independent use.
    Please contact the Arcola Attendance Office. 
    Early Release Due to Medical Concerns
    If your child becomes ill/injured during the school day this procedure will be followed:
    1.  The student is to report to the nurse's office for examination and assessment for sick dismissed from school. 
    2.  Student should  refrain from the use of personal cell phones, texting on personal cell phones, or classroom phones to contact parent/guardian when illIts best to have the school nurse contact the parents initially as pertinent medical information can be shared with parent before the parent arrives for pick-up. 
    3.  Parent/guardian will be the first called, if unavailable then the emergency contacts will be contacted. A student will not be released to anyone that is not listed on the emergency contact list.
    4. If medically necessary, 911 will be called to transport your child to a hospital that is determined by the emergency professionals.  The parent/guardian will be notified immediately of this transport, a staff member of the school will accompany and remain with the student until a family member arrives.
    Early Release Due to Planned Medical Appointments
    Any early dismissals should be planned through the attendance office.
    Sports Physicals
    Sport physicals forms are not obtained through the school nurse, but through each sports' coaching staff.
    Personal water bottles are permitted to be carried at Arcola.
    Crutches, Casts and Sprains
    Any student that will have difficulty traveling stairs requires a parent/doctor note requesting elevator use.  Permission for keys will be issued for the elevator in the nurses office. Key distribution after check-in with the nurse are distributed in the counseling office daily and returned to the counseling office in the afternoon prior to dismissal.  Passes will be issued for book buddies to help with book-bag and book carrying in the nurse's office.  Book-bags carried by students on crutches throughout the day are NOT permitted, as the book-bags alter the students balance while on crutches in the hallways, making them at risk for falling.  If the elevator key is lost, a $20.00 replacement fee is required. 
    Use of School Wheelchairs and Crutches 
    The school district does not permit renting or boring this equipment from the school. Wheelchairs and crutches must be the student's personal equipment.  Students requiring the use of these items must have a physician's note to permit the student to use these items in the school setting.  Transportation to school with a wheelchair or crutches will be evaluated and a plan determined on an individual basis.  Passes will be issued to these students as well as an elevator key. Transportation of these students to and from school each day should be arranged through the Transportation Department and the student's parents.  
    Lice or Not Lice
    If you suspect you child is infested, a check can be performed upon request from the parent. Once your child is verified for positive infestation, Methacton School District policy is followed.  Exclusion from school is determined by Methacton School District lice policy.  Your child will be checked in a private confidential area for infestation. Instruction will be given to the parent/student with regard to lice removal, following Methacton School District policy, and guidelines for re-entry into school. The school nurse will provide educational support during the time of infestation.  The up-most confidentiality will be maintained.
    The CDC defines a fever as having a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater (2009). The CDC also recommendations that people with influenza-like, viral-type illness should stay away from others (the exclusion period-to stay home) at least 24 hours after their fever is gone (without the use of fever-reducing medicine).    This exclusion period and recommendations applies to camps, schools, businesses, mass gatherings, and other community settings where the majority of people are not at increased risk for influenza complications.  The CDC recommends this exclusion period regardless of whether or not anti-viral medications are used.
     Exclusion from school for Illness according to Pennsylvania Department of Education Division of School Health

    § 27.72. Exclusion of students, school staff, and school volunteers for showing symptoms.

    (a)  A student, school staff member, or school volunteer following consultation with the school nurse, is excluded showing any of the following symptoms, unless that person is determined by the school nurse, or a physician, to be noncommunicable:

       (1)  Mouth sores associated with inability to control saliva.

       (2)  Rash with fever or behavioral change.

       (3)  Purulent discharge from the eyes.

       (4)  Productive cough with fever.

       (5)  Oral or axillary temperature equal to or greater than 102° F.

       (6)  Unusual lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing or other signs of severe illness.

       (7)  Persistent vomiting.

       (8)  Persistent diarrhea.


    (b)  The school shall maintain a record of the exclusion and the reasons prompting the exclusion and shall review the record to determine when unusual rates of absenteeism occur.