• Hi and welcome to 8th Grade Health!
    Homework: 3/10/20 - Food Diary Evaluation and the paper assignment are due today.
    Your food diary MUST be completed and handed in to have the evaluation also graded. Both assignments are worth 16 pts. so the total assignment is 32 points.  To compelte the Food Diary,  pick one weekday and one weekend day and write EVERYTHING you ate and drank for breakfast, lunch, dinner , and snacks along with the amounts of each, indicate whether the food/drink was real or processed, and write the food group that the food/drink belongs to. You will use an "O" for the Other group that includes fats, oils, and sweets. The weekday must be written on one side of the paper and the weekend day on the oter side of the paper. If you were absent, write it on a piece of notebook paper or on a Google Doc that you will print out to hand in. 
    I am still collecting the My Plate Information Sheet for partial credit.
    Today, we discussed Food Rules #37-39. The Food Rules PPT can be found in my teacher's site under the Exercise and Eating folder. We discussed serving sizes while using visuals of objects that are equivalent to certain portions of food. We also discussed the "Scary Seven", ingredients processed that are directly related to health concerns.
    Google Clasroom Codes:
    • Period 5 - u5tni3k
    • Period 6 - zgau37k
    • Period 7 - slpbo52
    This year, you will have the opportunity to learn from myself and Mr. Raley. In my classroom, during the first semester (MP 1 & 2), we will discuss the Eating and Exercise unit and how to make healthy food choices, as well as, how to incorporate exercise and fitness into your daily/weekly routines. The second half of the semester will include a unit on human growth and development that will involve a discussion on human sexuality; as well as, issues and decisions involving your growth and development that will include relationships and dating. We will discuss teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. We finish out the semester discussing Drug Issues with an emphasis on healthy decisions regarding drugs. Please refer to the 8th grade curriculum that you had been given and is posted on Google Classroom.
    I will post assignments, announcements, power points/Google Slides and some handouts and worksheets in Google Classroom and/or my teacher's site. Homework and announcements/reminders will also be posting on my HW Calendar.

    I look forward to teaching you how to make healthy decisions throughout the year and throughout your life.
     Practice your Positive Affirmations! 
    • Practice Mindfulness, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. It will allow you to take time to "pause" with a non- judgmental attitude. It will also allow you to pay attention on purpose and focus on the present so you can become empowered to make a choice and respond rather than react.