• Spotlight on Zachary Weigand, MHS Class of 2014!
    Zachary Weigand Zachary Wiegand (MHS 2014) auditioned for the Penn State University Blue Band this past August with 54 other percussionists.  Only eight of the 36 students who made the drum line are first year students – the rest are returning Blue Band members and Zak is one of the thirteen snare drum players.  He is marching in every home game in Beaver Stadium and at the Michigan/PSU game in Ann Arbor, Michigan!  He hopes to travel to his first bowl game at the end of the season.  Along with Blue Band, Zak is involved with the Penn State Percussion Club.  They perform on campus and at the home Soccer games.  He is studying percussion and majoring in Music Education. Congratulations, Zachary! Methacton Pride!!