Skyview Rehearsal Assistants, Testimonials 2011-2012

The Skyview Rehearsal Assistants program exists to support the music teachers at Skyview Upper Elementary School with the 5th& 6th grade music ensemble rehearsals. The large number of students participating in band (130+), chorus (150+) and orchestra (130+) is overwhelming and the directors are limited by the 30-minute rehearsal time twice in each six-day cycle. Assistants help with the duties before the rehearsals begin including hall management, warm-ups, and instrument set-up. Depending on the ensemble, the rehearsal assistant is able to support the music teachers with various tasks so the young musicians have maximum rehearsal time with their director.

During band, assistants helped keep the back of the ensemble on task, and lead warm ups, all while Mrs. Bugosh, the band director, took attendance. Then assistants sat with a section of the band to help them with notes, rhythm, technique, and other essential skills. During orchestra assistants would help Mrs. Basalik, the orchestra director, tune instruments. Once the tuning is done, the assistant would sit with a section to help with bowing, fingering, notes, and technique. During chorus rehearsal, an assistant would help take attendance while Mrs. Lockman, the chorus director, would start warm ups. Then the assistant would be asked to sit with the Skyview chorus to become a reference point in the choir. This is necessary because singing separate parts in chorus can be challenging.

I had a lot of fun helping out at Skyview for the past two years. The young kids looked up to me because of my experience in cello and percussion. They were not afraid to ask me questions, and they were never rude when I gave them advice. They got to know me, so when we met outside of school, we were already acquainted.

For example, during the string jamboree, I worked with a group of Skyview students, so my room was very relaxed. I believe rehearsal assistants removed some stress from the directors by helping. Mrs. Bugosh, band director said, “The assistants were such a huuugggeee help at the concert!  They were not afraid to step in and tell the kids what to do!  Definitely would not have survived with them.” Mrs. Basalik, orchestra director said, “We love having rehearsal assistants, especially on those fifth grade rehearsal days!  All sections would benefit from having older students play with them. Even if you don't play an instrument or feel comfortable singing, come anyway and we'll find you a way to contribute.” Ms. Lockman, choir director says, “Especially with 6th graders, they are getting to the age when they start to become nervous about the person next to them possibly hearing them and very much pull their voices back. I think it would be great for the kids to see high school students really loving to sing still and not afraid to sing out.” 

When assistants were present, the directors did not have to worry about minuscule things like tuning and attendance. They were able to begin rehearsal sooner than if there were no assistants. We also helped out with crowd control during concerts, which is very important with younger students. This project was hard and a little stressful, but I was always able to help out in some way. With this project, my only regret would be not having more high school students involved for the entire year. About five assistants committed to helping every week, all year, which are good and bad. It's good because the students became more familiar with the high school assistants. It's bad because sometimes, when regulars could not attend, the music teachers were missing important support. I hope this project grows in the next years to provide even more aide to music in our 5th & 6th grade program.

-Jen Cho, Tri-M Secretary (2011), MHS 2012, Cello & Percussion