Welcome to Kindergarten!
Mrs. Raley 610-489-5000 extension 44154
Mrs. Fischer 610-489-5000 extension 44120
Reading/Language Arts (ELA)
The Kindergarten students will develop skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking through the use of the reading program called Wonders, published by McGraw Hill. This research-based program offers a balanced approach to literacy learning that incorporates shared reading, guided reading and independent reading, as well as focused skill and strategy instruction. Systematic instructions in the five areas of reading instruction – phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, robust vocabulary, and comprehension – are included. Wonders also integrates writing into the reading process.
The students in kindergarten will learn to:
- Analyze words at the phoneme (sound) level
- Relate letters to sounds and blend sounds to form words
- Break spoken words into sounds and write these sounds
- Recognize meanings of specific words (robust vocabulary) through oral language activities
- Understand, remember, and communicate the meaning of stories heard and/or read
- Develop comprehension skills: determining main idea and details, making predictions, drawing conclusions
- Recognize high frequency words
- Read text with accuracy and proper expression
- Develop writing skills using journal writing, shared writing and interactive writing
Mathematics -Math in Focus
At the kindergarten level, students will develop an understanding and knowledge of the following math concepts:
- Numbers and Numeration – counting; estimating; representing and comparing numbers; reading and writing numbers
- Operations and Computation - exploring the meaning of addition and subtraction; developing and using concrete strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems
- Data and Chance – collecting and organizing data; creating and using tally charts, tables, and bar graphs; exploring basic probability concepts
- Measurement and Reference Frames – using non-standard tools to estimate and compare weight and length; identifying pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills; exploring temperature and thermometers; using calendars and other tools to track or measure time
- Geometry – exploring 2- and 3-dimensional shapes and line symmetry
- Patterns, Functions, and Algebra – exploring visual, rhythmic, and movement patterns; using rules to sort by attributes, make patterns, and play games; learning about the +, -, and = symbols
Work Study Skills
- Listens attentively
- Follows directions
- Works independently
- Works neatly and accurately
- Completes tasks
Social/Emotional Skills
- Shares with others
- Displays self control
- Puts away materials and toys
- Participates in activities
- Respects the property of others
- Shows courtesy and thoughtfulness to others
Physical Development
- Dresses self independently
- Uses large muscles for physical activities, e.g. hopping, running, and jumping
- Uses small muscles for activities, e.g. cutting, coloring, printing, and drawing
and remember, everything you need to know,
Play fair, take turns, share, watch the clouds float by, hold hands, read a book for the joy of the story, skip when you are happy, share your thoughts and feelings, and above all, enjoy yourself!