• Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support


    Bully Prevention in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support is a prevention focused alternative to student support that blends socially valuable outcomes, research based procedures, behavioral science, and a systems approach to reduce problem behavior and improve school climate.


    Bully Prevention in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support helps establish a school-wide social culture where positive behavior is “expected” and rewards for bullying are NOT provided.   The school counselors, along with classroom teachers at every elementary school, teach a series of lessons in each class presenting Bully Prevention in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support.


    As part of Bully Prevention in School-Wide Positive Behavior Support, students will learn the school rules:

    • Be Safe
    • Be Respectful
    • Be Responsible

    Expectations for following these rules are explained and discussed.


    Students will also be introduced to the STOP, WALK, TALK strategies. During lessons students will participate in role-play scenarios to practice these strategies. Students will learn to use STOP, WALK, TALK strategies to respond to inappropriate remarks, gossip, cyber bullying and other forms of unsafe, disrespectful or bullying behavior. The role of the bystander is also highlighted. 



    You may have heard your child mention, “Em-bee-thy.”   Em-bee-thy is a bee that teaches students about EMPATHY.  Students learn that EMPATHY is …

    Seeing with the eyes of another.

    Listening with the ears of another.

    Feeling with the heart of another.

    Empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another and imagining how that person feels.



    This year, with the school consolidaiton, we are having a special focus on teamwork to bring new and returning students together, as fellow students/schoolmates and the "Arrowhead Family"!!



    Students will be introduced to the word RESILIENT. They will learn that being resilient means to “bounce back” when something unexpected occurs that makes us feel sad, scared, confused or frustrated. To be resilient, one must be flexible and be willing to try again.



    Last year students learned to be FLEXIBLE.  Being flexible means to accept a new or different way of doing something or thinking about something. Students will be encouraged to show a positive attitude about change, and to bounce back and go on with their day, especially during times of change.



    Ask your child about the above concepts. Your child’s personal and social growth can be enhanced through communication and the partnership of home and school. Have a great school year!