row flowers
    Hi!  My name is Kelly Cohen and I am the School Counselor at Arrowhead Elementary. I am proud to be part of the "Arrowhead family."
    I received my undergraduate bachelor's degree in Elementary Education for Towson Univeristy.  I earned my Master's of Counseling degree and elementary school counseling certification from West Chester University.  It is my first year here at Arrowhead, but I have been working in the district for 20 years at Worcester Elementary as a teacher!
    I have a husband and two boys who I love dearly.  A fun fact is that I went to Arrowhead as a student myself!
    My students often refer to me as the "feelings teacher " because I talk with them about their feelings.  I meet with students to discuss making friends and getting along with others, making good choices, family changes and/or loss, acting responsibly, handling conflict, controlling anger, recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses, and many other topics!  

    Students can make an appointment to come see me if they'd like to talk about their feelings or whatever is on their mind. In each classroom there is a "feelings can" with self referral forms.  Students can fill out the form and drop it off in mailbox. 


    I support parents, too! If you have any concerns regarding your child, or if your family is experiencing something out of the ordinary, I welcome the opportunity to speak with you.  Please feel free to contact me. The best way to ensure your child's academic and personal success is through communication and teamwork!