• Please click on the link below to open the Letter for IRP Change



    Grade Six Reading Department 

     January 26, 2015


    Dear Parents,

            Because of the importance of the Independent Reading Program, the sixth grade reading teachers have decided to make IRP its own grading category for the 3rd and 4th marking periods.   The new grading categories will be as follows:


    Comprehension = 25%

    Skills = 20%

    Vocabulary = 20%

    Homework/Class Prep. = 15%

    IRP = 20%


            Please help support your child in reading at least 1,000 pages this marking period.  Students earn bonus points for reading more than 1,500 pages in a marking period. (Don’t forget that they receive double pages for reading award winning books! Please refer to the contract.)


                                                            Best regards,

                                                            The Sixth Grade Reading Teachers


    Please sign and return this to school with your child.

    I have read and understand the changes for reading and IRP grading for the
    3rd and 4th marking periods.


    Student Name (printed) ______________________________


    Student’s Signature:________________________________________


    Parent’s Signature:_______________________________Date:__________