

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Stacy McGowan

Wecome!  My name is Stacy McGowan and I am so excited to be your guide on this journey at Skyview.

I join the Skyview Team with 23 years of expereince, all in Special education.  My first ten years was spent at North Penn School District.  Once my children were born, I made the switch to virtual education, where I stayed for 12 years.  During that time, I was honored to be one of 6 finalists for PA teacher of the year for 2012.  This year finds me coming back to brick and mortar education, and I am so excited to be a member of your team.

Outside of the school day, I enjoy spending time with my family.  My husband, Mike, is a lacrosse coach and works locally for a pharmaceutical company.  My son, Hunter, is a student at Widener University where he studies Biomedical engineering and plays lacrosse.  My daughter, Riley, is a student at Souderton High School, where she plays lacrosse and volleyball.  During our free time, we enjoy working in animal rescue and often have one or more fosters living in our home.

Personally, my passions are animal rescue, yoga, and the beach.  After school , I enjoy doing a yoga class each day, and often times, I do try to incorporate that into my class at school. My family also have a home in Ocean City and we enjoy spending time as a family, at the beach surfing, boating, fishing and relaxing.