Our Daily Schedule 2017-20188:55 - 9:05 Arrival9:05 - 9:10 Homeroom & Announcements9:10 - 9:30 Class Meeting9:30-10:05 ELA10:05-10:55 SPECIAL10:55 -11:25 Writing11:25 -12:05 ELA12:05 -12:35 Lunch12:35 -12:45 Homework12:45 -1:15 Recess1:15 -1:45 Team Time1:45 - 2:50 MATH * Math will go to 3:00 on Wed. & Fri.2:50 - 3:25 Science/Social Studies3:25 - 3:30 Prep for Home3:30 Dismissal
Special Area Schedule
*Mon – Gym (Ms. Malloy)
*Tues.- Gym (Ms. Malloy)
*Wed.- Library
*Thurs.- Music
*Fri.- Art
1. Please dress appropriately by wearing or bringing sneakers for gym.
2. Please remember to place the library book in book bags the night before, so it can be returned on library day.
3. Please remember your child will need an Art smock to keep in school. Please send in the smock as soon as possible. Also, place your child’s name on the art smock. Smocks can be a parent’s old shirt or anything that can be easily worn over school clothes.