Office Hours:
Monday 8:50 to 3:42
Tuesday 8:10 to 3:42
Wednesday 8:10 to 3:42
Thursday 8:10 to 3:42
Friday 8:10 to 3:42
My lunchtime is 12:45 to 1:15
It is so important for the school to know of any changes in your child's emergency or health information. Please notify the nurse by correspondence or telephone with regards to your child's emergency information, emergency contacts, parent/guardian's telephone contact information, health information or medical regime so that we can adequately provide assistance to your chid.
Phone: (610) 489-5000 x41206
FAX: (610) 489-8103
As per District policy, students are not to bring any medication to school whether it be over-the-counter medication or prescription medication without a physician's order. If your child requires medication during the school day you can download the medication form on the medical form page of this web site, take the form to your physician and bring the form with the medication to the nurse's office. Please refer to the Medication Policy for more detailed information.
Early Release Due to Medical Concerns:
If your child becomes ill/injured during the school day the this procedure will be followed:
1. The student is to report to the nurse's office for examination and be assessed for necessity to be dismissed from school early.
2. Parent/guardian will be the first called, if unavailable then the emergency contacts will be contacted. A student will not be released to anyone that is not listed on the emergency contact list unless, the parent calls and states name of the individual that will be picking up student from school.
3. If medically necessary 911 will be called to transport your child to a hospital that is determined by the emergency professionals. The parent/guardian will be notified immediately of this transport, a staff member of the school will accompany and remain with the student until a family member arrives.