Extra reading support is available for students in grades K-4 through the Eagleville RtII program. Mrs. Begley and Mrs. Pileggi, the reading specialists (Tier 3), Mrs. Barbuto, the IIS (Tier 2), Mrs. Caliri, Mrs. Derfler and Mrs. Voynar, the instructional support assistants work with students individually and in small groups using research based intervention programs.
This year we are using the McGraw Hill Wonders and Wonderworks Programs and Fundations Program in kindergarten, first, and second grades. In addition to this program, we have guided reading from sources such as Fountas and Pinnel Literacy Intervention Program and Houghton Mifflin's Soar to Success, which has lots of wonderful guided reading books. These leveled reading programs provide us with many books to enhance both oral reading, fluency and comprehension. In third and fourth grades we are using the Wonderworks Program and other programs such as Soar to Success and the Making Connections Program which focus on comprehension skills. Periodically we will send home some of the work that your child has completed in the reading room so that you can reinforce the skills taught and so that we can keep you informed about the activities that take place in the reading room.
We especially want to thank you for all the help and support that you provide for your children at home. Please feel free to call us in the reading room or IIS room at anytime if you have questions about your child's reading work. You can reach us at: 610-489-5000 ex. 41301 Mrs. Begley or Mrs. Barbuto 41302.