• Parent Resources

    Parent Conferences     

    Please call to schedule an appointment to discuss any social, emotional or academic concerns you may have for your child.  Together, we can support your child during stressful situations and transitions.  Referrals to community resources are also available.


    Past additions of Methacton Family Matters, the elementary counseling newsletter are available; click here to read the counselor newsletters. Each newsletter highlights a topic relevant to raising elementary school aged children.

    Parent Resource Library

    Come in and browse the parenting resources in the counseling office.  Too busy to read?  Audio and DVD's are available.  Children's books are also for loan to help you discuss sensitive issues with your child.  For example, there are books to help you explain divorce, separation, and death of a loved one or a family pet. 

    Parenting and Student Programs

    Homework Without Headaches Workshops are available after school and in the evening for students and parents 2nd to 4th grades.  Informational flyers will go out in the fall.