
     “How to Study for a Test” 



    Research shows that all children learn differently.  What works for one child may not work for another.  This also applies to studying material.  Each child needs to find what works best for him or her.  Below are some suggestions for studying material.  For a printable copy click here.


    1.      Have someone read you the questions.  You can answer it orally or write it down.  If you have a white board at home you can use that.


    2.      Make up flash cards from a review sheet or worksheets given out by the teacher.


    3.      Make a game out of it like Concentration, Jeopardy, or Memory.  Make flash cards with only a question or answer on it.  Then try to match the question with the answer.


    4.      Pretend you are the teacher.  Make up test questions and then try to answer them.  Give it to a parent to grade or have a parent make up the test.


    5.      Be the teacher – teach a younger brother or sister, or even your parents!


    6.      Write words or definitions several times each.  The repetition will help you to memorize the material.


    7.      Use the computer.  Type your questions or definitions.  This will also help your typing skills while helping you to memorize the material.


    8.      Make a song out of the material or parts of the material.
