Technology Resources
The following links are resources available. Login Usernames and Passwords for the following should be listed on the inside cover of each student’s assignment book.
Accelerated Reader website
This site is used in class to take Accelerated Reader quizzes. Students will need to complete three of these quizzes per marking period. AR tests are only taken at school and are not accessible from home. AR Book Find is available from home to make sure your book is an AR book.
Accelerated Reader BookFind website
This site is useful for checking the reading level and ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) of many books. It's helpful to find books in different genres and on specific topics. Use this link to make sure your student is reading within his or her ZPD. ZPDs will be updated thoughout the year.
Assigned weekly, ALEKS is an artificial intelligence program that provides math practice according to the student's progress level (if you need more practice with a certain skill before moving on to the next skill, ALEKS knows this and provides it). Have fun! www.ALEKS.com
Connections - Our Reading Textbook
Quoted from our wonderful reading book, "Every time you read something, view something, write to someone, or react to what you've read or seen, you're participating in a world of ideas. The digital tools in this program will tap into the skills you already use and help you sharpen those skills for the future."
Exact Path student website
This link can be used by students to log onto the Exact Path website. Usernames and passwords have been provided to students. This website is used on a weekly basis as a supplemental online learning tool.
Glencoe Math student website
The Glencoe Math website has many terrific and useful tools. You can get homework help (e-Help), watch a demonstration of topics from class (My Tutor), watch animations of concepts, take a quick online quiz to check your understanding and print out other worksheets for extra practice or enrichment.
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