• Our Schedule


                                               8:30-8:45      Homeroom


                                               8:45-9:30      Geography


                                               9:30-10:15     English


                                               10:15-11:00    Reading


                                               11:02-11:32    Lunch


                                               11:35-11:43    Daily Math


                                               11:45-12:30    Science


                                                                               12:30-1:15     Special
                                                                 Marking Periods 1 and 3                   Marking Periods 2 and 4
                                                                    A - Library                                       A - Art
                                                                    B - Technology Education                 B - Music
                                                                    C - Computer Literacy                      C - Health
                                                                    D - Library                                       D - Art
                                                                    E - Technology Education                 E - Music
                                                                    F - Computer Literacy                      F - Health


                                               1:17-2:03       Math


                                               2:05-2:45      Flex B, D, and F Days/Physical Education A, C, and E Days


                                               2:45-3:15      8th Period/Homeroom/Music Rehearsal

                                                                               3:15/3:20      Dismissal - "Don't cry because it's over.
                                                                                        Smile because it happened. - Dr. Seuss


Last Modified on August 21, 2019