    The School Counselors at Skyview deliver a comprehensive guidance curriculum to all students that focuses on the academic, personal/social, and career development of all students. The School Counseling program embodies the American School Counseling Association's National Model of School Counseling, as well as Pennsylvania Common Core and Student Interpersonal Skill Standards. The Methacton Education Technology Standards (METS) are also infused throughout the program as applicable.
    The curriculum is delivered to students through individual counseling, small group counseling, and classroom guidance lessons as well as through school wide programming.
    Topics presented through the Classroom Guidance Lessons include:
    Grade 5
    * Introduction to the School Counselor
    * Student Success Skills- organization, study skills, goal setting
    * Career Exploration and Interest Inventory
    * Character Development and Exploration
     Grade 6
    * Character! It Counts! (TRRFCC)
    * Cyber Citizenship 
    * Student Success Skills
    * Career/ Job Readiness and Skills




Last Modified on September 24, 2018