• Things to Know

    Skyview Upper Elementary - 610-489-5000 (follow the prompts for Skyview)

    Attendance Line - 610-831-5328


    Dates to remember:



    Check each homeroom teacher's google class for each night's homework.

    Methacton District Homework Expectations:

    • Homework should be at least 50-60 minutes of review/study/reading.  The 50 minutes that is allotted does not include extra-curricular activities such as music practice, but does include free reading, ALEKS, Exact Path, reviewing study guides, etc.

    Homework Assessment:

    • If your child is instructed in my class for a subject, I score homework as follows:  Each homework assignment is counted as one (1) point toward a homework grade.  Students earn a point for each day they bring in completed homework for each subject.  At the end of the marking period, the number of homework assignments for each subject is added to generate a total score for homework.  The number of assignments that each student completes during that marking period is used to calculate a homework grade.  For example, if 40 homework assignments were given in the marking period, and 35 were completed and returned on the date they were due, the student earns a 35/40 for a homework grade.
    • Parents will be notified of this grade by utilizing Power School.

    We encourage you to establish a regular homework location and time away from distractions.


    • Students will use colored folders for each subject to assist with organization.
    • Students will also need a folder for homework

    Behavior and Expectations:     “Character Counts”

    • Our team’s behavior and expectation policy is rooted in the six pillars of character: respect, responsibility, caring, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Students are encouraged to live these traits on a daily basis.


    • There are times when students leave early, arrive late, are absent from school, or leave class for other reasons such as lessons, visits to the nurse, etc. It is the student’s responsibility to find out the work he/she has missed and make it up upon return.  Students should check their Google Classes first for instructions and assignments.  If the instructions and/or assignments are unclear, students should email their teacher/s for information.
    • If your child is absent from school, they should complete any missed work as per their teachers' instructions.


    Students must have a note each day if they are going home by car. The note should be given to the homeroom teacher in the morning.

    Students sometimes visit friends after school. If a child is going home with a friend, both children need notes.


    Birthdays are special! While we recognize these special days for students, we are not permitted to share food as part of the celebration of the day due to concerns about allergies.                                                                             

    Back - to – School Night:

    Back – to School Night will be held on September 23rd.  It is a great opportunity to share more information about Fifth Grade and the upcoming year. We look forward to meeting parents and guardians at this time.  Students attending Back - to - School Night is discouraged.