• Chemistry Course Requirements

    Text:  Chemistry: Connections to our changing world (Prentice Hall)

    Course description

                Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.  This course is an advanced introduction to chemistry and is designed for students who are planning on attending college.   Studying chemistry will help you to sharpen your problem solving and thinking skills whether you are planning to major in Science, History, Drama, Art, or English. 


    Classroom Procedures

    We will have many unique experiences in Chemistry class this year.  We will use a variety of class activities and I will expect you to follow some general classroom procedures to create the best learning environment.


    1.      There will be many different challenges and I will expect you to give each activity your best effort.  Please be willing to ask for clarification.  If you become lost or confused, chances are good that others are too.  Asking for help will benefit you and your classmates.

    2.      Come to class on time and prepared.  This means in the door when the bell rings and includes having  ALL of  the following:

    ·        a notebook, a pen/pencil and a scientific calculator (NON GRAPHING ONLY FOR TESTS AND QUIZZES)

    3.      Food and drinks are not permitted in the lab area. 

    4.      Courteous behavior is expected at all times toward your fellow classmates and your teacher.  Bad language is not courteous behavior and is not permitted.



    1.      Individual student grades can be checked online at the parent portal. 

    2.      Grades will be determined by test/quiz scores, homework, lab reports, and any special assignments/projects given throughout each quarter. 

    3.      The above are all considered required activities and must be successfully completed to pass the course. 

    4.      There may be opportunities for extra credit during the year not to exceed 2% of the points per marking quarter (ex. If the total points for a quarter is 500 then you can earn up to 10 extra credit points).  You may not turn in extra credit if you have failed to turn in any lab assignment during that marking quarter.  Extra credit will be accepted until one week before the end of the marking period.

    5.      Marking quarter grades are on a percentage basis.  There will be NO rounding up of close grades (so plan on doing extra credit assignments to avoid disappointment)



    1.      Repeated unexcused lateness to class may result in detention or may accumulate to equal an unexcused absence.  An unexcused absence will be treated as outlined in your student handbook.  Work missed due to an unexcused lateness or absence may not be made up under any circumstances.

    2.      To be excused from class for privileges, such as, music lessons, field trips, on the road training, etc., you should try to see me before the class you will miss. 

    3.       When you are absent from class you are responsible to find out what you missed and to schedule the make up necessary



                Homework is an important part of this course as it will give you an opportunity to practice what you learn in class on your own.  Homework will be assigned and graded as follows:



    2.      Homework will always be checked or collected and must be your work. 

    3.      Copying or allowing your homework to be copied is considered cheating and may result in failure for the quarter.

    4.      If you are absent when an assignment is given it is your responsibility to make up your work.

    5.      If you are absent when an assignment is checked you must remember to show it to me the day you return. 


    Tests and quizzes

    1.      Tests will usually be given at the end of a chapter or unit and will be announced in advance.

    2.      Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.

    3.      Non graphing calculators only may be used on tests and quizzes. 

    4.      If you are absent the day of a test you may be expected to take the test when you return, or to schedule a make up according to your student handbook.

    5.      Tests and quizzes will generally be about 50-60% of your grade.

    6.      Cheating will not be tolerated.  You will receive a “0” for the test or quiz and possibly an “F” for the marking quarter if you are caught cheating.


    Lab activities

                The number one concern in all laboratory activities is SAFETY!  To assure that all labs are conducted safely there are guidelines we will all follow:


    1.      All chemistry students and their parents must read and sign a lab safety information sheet.

    2.      All students must complete a lab safety quiz and score 100% to participate in lab.

    3.      Failure to follow all safety guidelines may involve disciplinary action, as well as, a zero for the lab activity.

    4.      All students will maintain a separate lab notebook, for recording prelab assignments, lab data, and lab analysis.  Further detailed instructions will be provided.

    5.      Prelab assignments that are given prior to lab must be completed prior to beginning lab.  If this assignment is not completed you may not be permitted to participate in the lab activity (my choice).  If this is the case you will have one lab cycle (6 days) to make up the lab after school according to my schedule.

    6.      If you are absent on a lab day you will have one lab cycle (6 days) to make up the activity and then two days to complete and turn in your report.  The make up lab can be completed after school or during a free mod, if my room is available and I am free.

    7.      Failure to attend a lab mod due to forgetting will be handled in the following way:  first offense -- detention assigned and lab make up; second offense -- detention and zero on the lab; third offense -- class cut policy will be enforced.  Arriving in the middle due to forgetting will be treated as an unexcused lateness.

    8.      Most lab activities will include a lab report of some kind.  This assignment must be completed in the lab notebook and turned in on time, usually two - four days after the lab day.  I will deduct 10% per school day for late lab assignments.  Failure to complete lab assignments will exclude you from any and all extra credit possibilities for that quarter.

    Lab work is an integral part of this class.  Generally it will be 25 -35% of your class grade. 

Last Modified on September 6, 2013