• Math In Focus:  4th Grade

    It’s a Model for the Common Core State Standards

    The Singapore Math® framework was one of the 15 national curriculua examined by the Common Core committee and had a particularly important impact on the Common Core writers and contributors.

    Research-based Pedagogy

    Math in Focus® offers you the same authentic Singapore Math® curriculum that has propelled Singapore students to international success. It follows the pedagogical framework developed by the Singapore Ministry of Education.

    Concrete–Pictorial–Abstract Learning Progression

    Numbers and symbols can be confusing when you don't have a grasp of what they actually mean. Singapore Math® teaches concepts using a concrete–pictorial–abstract learning progression to anchor learning in real-world, hands-on experiences.

    Pedagogy Fit for RtI

    Math in Focus adapts instruction to the needs of individual learners through scaffolding, the systematic sequencing of prompted content, and support to optimize learning. The ultimate goal of scaffolding is to gradually remove the supports as the learner masters the task.

    Integrated Technology for the 21st-Century Classroom

    Math in Focus provides seamless integration of technology with a range of online tools including Interactive Whiteboard activities, online manipulatives, and a Bar Modeling app. Math in Focus Digi+ ™ is an online curriculum for Grades 1–5 that is designed to complement the core materials of the Math in Focus program, using the same pedagogical principles of the Singapore Math® approach, combining multimedia technology with instructional strategies to offer an engaging teaching and learning experience!


    Math in Focus® and Marshall Cavendish® are registered trademarks of Times Publishing Limited. Singapore Math® is a tradema

    - See more at: http://www.hmhco.com/shop/education-curriculum/math/math-in-focus-singapore-math#sthash.enDbqCpt.dpuf


    Extra Math Sites:

    XtraMath   https://xtramath.org
    **This link will redirect you to the student sign in page so you can practice your basic math facts.**