• Marketing

    Mr. Gallagher



    Class Objectives

    1. To define marketing and other terms related to marketing


    1. To be aware of marketing and its effect on the economy


    1. To know the activities involved in marketing


    1. To understand the importance of market research


    1. To identify the parts of the marketing mix and their relationship with each other


    1. To create a convincing marketing plan for a business


    1. To discuss current events pertaining to marketing and other areas of business


    Course Necessities

    • Notebook or binder (with looseleaf)
    • Folder
    • Pen or pencil
    • One brain
    • Good attitude and work ethic



    Grades are calculated by the following:  Total points earned  = 100%

                                                                                       Total points


    Tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, and reports are included in this grade.



    Most homework is worth 10 points.  Homework that is not turned on the day it is due results in a zero.  It is due when you walk in.  Other assignments worth more than 10 points that need to be completed outside of class are also due when you walk in.  If it is late, it will result in 50% off per day.  Anything after “when you walk in” will be considered a day late.  Do not walk in the classroom and ask to print on the day that it is due. It will not be considered to be completed on time. If you have a problem printing an assignment, email the assignment before it’s due and print it later.


    Classroom Guidelines

    1.  Do what’s right
    2.  Do the best you can.
    3.  Treat others as you want to be treated.


    If you follow the above guidelines you should do very well.


    Please be aware of the following classroom policies.



    Latenesses will be recorded and you will be given a ½ hour detention if you reach your third. After that, you will be given a detention after your second lateness. Some students will be given additional time depending on where your previous class is located.


    Makeup tests/quizzes

    If you need to make up a test/quiz, please take initiative and make an arrangement with the teacher.


    Food and drink

    Food, drink, and gum are not permitted in the classroom.  Water is permitted.



    • Cell phone and iPOD use are not permitted in class. There will be exceptions but with teacher permission only. Please keep them out of sight.  If a student has difficulty following this procedure then he or she will hand me the cell phone or iPOD at the beginning of class and will pick it up when class ends.
    • Please don’t do other school work or anything else unrelated Marketing during class, unless permission is granted.
    • Please do not put your book away or pack up your things before you’ve been instructed to do so.  The class time is 46 minutes.
    • You are allowed to have a positive attitude, respect others, improve yourself and have fun in the process.


       Have a great semester!




Last Modified on January 24, 2018