Algebra 2 HomeworkDue:6/106/96/86/7 Period 1, 1st Session. Period 2 Exam, 2nd Session.6/6 Final Exam Review Ch 86/3 Final Exam Review finish Ch 6 and Ch 76/2 Final Exam Review Ch 5 and Ch 6 to question 156/1 None5/24 Test Ch 8 Sec 1, 2 and 65/23 Quiz review5/20 None5/19 8.1 "B" (1-16)5/18 8.1 "A" (1-19) Test Tuesday 8.1, 8.2, 8.65/17 8.6 "B" (2-18 evens)5/13 8.6 "A" (11-18)5/12 8.6 "A" (1-10)5/11 None5/10 Quiz 8.4 to 8.55/9 None5/6 None Quiz Tuesday 8.4 to 8.55/5 8.5 "B" (13-15)5/4 8.5 "B" (1-12)5/3 8.5 "A" (1-15)5/2 None4/28 None4/27 Ch 7 Test4/26 Ch 7 Test4/25Ch7 Review4/22 7.6 "B" 1st Column Ch.7 Test Tuesday 4/264/21 7.6 "A" (14-21)4/20 7.5 "A" (20-34)4/19 Inverse wkst4/18 7.5 "A" (1-19)4/15 Pg. 504 (37-44)4/14 Complete 7.4 "A" and "B"4/13 7.4 "A" (1-24)4/12 You Tube Video on Logarithms4/11 Quiz 7.1 to 7.24/8 7.3 "A"4/7 7.1 "A", 7.2"A"4/6 None4/5 None4/4 Test Ch. 6 Test4/1 Study for Test3/31 Ch. 6 Review3/30 6.6 "A" (1-33 odds) Test Ch. 6 on Friday 4/13/24 6.4 "B" (1-18)3/23 6.4 "A"3/22 None3/21 6.1-6.3 Review then Quiz3/18 6.3 "B" (1-12)3/17 6.3 "A" (19-30) Quiz Monday 6.1-6.3 St. Patrick's Day!3/16 6.3 "A" (1-18)3/15 None3/14 Quiz 6.1-6.23/10 6.2 "B" (25-33)3/9 6.2 "B" (1-24)2/26 Test Ch. 52/25 None2/24 None2/23 5.7 "A" (1-26) Test Ch. 5 Friday 2/262/19 5.6 "A" (2-21)2/18 Practice 5.5 "B" (2-24 evens). Quiz Chapter 5 Wednesday 2/26/16.2/17 Practice 5.5 "B" (13-23 odds)2/11 Practice 5.5 "A" (2-20 evens)2/10 Practice 5.5 "A" (1-21 odds)2/9 None2/8 Quiz Ch 5 Sec 1-42/5 5.2 "B" (1-14)2/4 5.2 "A" (1-14)2/3 5.4 "B" evens2/2 5.4 "B" (1-27 odds) Quiz 5.1 to 5.4 Monday 2/82/1 5.4 "A" (25-33)1/29 5.4 "A" (1-24)1/15 Ch. 4 Mid-Term review1/14 Ch. 3 Mid-Term review1/13 5.3 "B" (1-17 odds) and Ch. 2 Mid-Term review1/12 5.3 "A" (1-23 odds) and Ch.1 Mid-Term review1/7 5.1 "A"1/6 Pg. 333 (3-23)12/22 None. Ch. 4 Test12/21 Pg 319 (15-20)12/18 4.7 "A" (2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9) and 4.8 "A" (1-10)12/17 4.7 "A" Column 112/16 4.6 "A" (2-26 evens)12/15 4.6 "A" (1-25 odds) Ch 4 Test Tuesday 12/2212/14 4.5 "A" (2-30 evens)12/11 4.5 "A" (1-29 odds)12/9 Quiz 4.1 to 4.412/8 Pg 265 (1-12)12/7 4.4 "A Column 1 (1-31)12/4 4.3 "A" (Middle Column) Quiz 4.1 to 4.4 Wednesday 12/912/1 4.3 "A" (left side to 37)11/24 4.2 "A" (1-12)11/23 4.1 "A" (1-16)11/19 Test Ch. 311/18 Pg 224 (14-16, 18-23)11/17 3.8 "A" (1-20) Chapter 3 Test Thursday 11/1911/16 3.7 "A" (1-18)11/12 Quiz Ch. 3 Sec 4-611/11 Quiz Review11/10 3.6 "A"11/9 3.5 "A" Quiz Thursday 11/12 Ch. 3 Sec 4-611/6 3.4 "A" (10-15)11/5 None11/4 None11/3 Off11/2 Quiz Ch 3 Sec 1-310/30 3.3 "A" (1-15)10/28 3.1 "B", 3.2 "A" left side10/27 3.1 "A" (16-25)10/26 Youtube: Solving systems of equations by graphing10/22 Ch.2 Test10/21 2.7 "B", 2.8 "A"10/20 2.7 "A" Chapter 2 Test Thursday 10/2210/16 Quiz Ch 2 Sec 4-610/15 Pg 142-143 (16-23)10/13 2.6 "A"10/12 Youtube "How to make a statter plot and find line of best fit" on a Ti-84 Calculator10/9 2.5 "B" (1-20)10/8 2.5 "A"10/7 2.4 "A" Column 110/5 Quiz9/29 2.1 "A"9/30 2.2 "A" Quiz Ch. 2 Sec 1-4 Monday 10/510/1 2.2 "B"10/2 2.3 "A" (1-15)9/21 1.7 "A" Column 19/22 1.7 "B" Column 19/24 Ch.1 Study Guide9/24 Test Ch.19/25 None9/16 1.6 "A" (1-21) Test Ch.1 Thursday 9/249/17 1.6"A" (22-29)9/18 1.6 "B" Column 19/8 Practice 1.1 and Skills 1.29/9 1.3 "B"9/10 1.4 "A"9/11 1.5 "A" Quiz Ch.1 Sec 2-59/3 Skills 1.12015-2016 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND GRADING POLICYMr. McNally – Algebra 1 and 2
The following procedures and guidelines will serve as a guide for you responsibilities for the 2015-2016 school year.
1.) All students are expected to bring a pencil/pen, notebook, and calculator to class everyday. Students should only be signing out to the bathroom last five minutes of class. It is the responsibility of the student to get anything they have missed while out of the room.
2.) Tests- Students are expected to take all tests on the assigned day unless prior arrangements have been made. All tests will be announced ahead of time. There will be several tests each marking period. The tests will count as 50% of the student’s grade for the marking period.
3.) Quizzes- Quizzes may be announced or may not be announced. There will be several quizzes per chapter. Quizzes will counts as 30% of each student’s grade for the marking period.
4.) Homework/Participation-All homework assignments are to be completed to the best of your ability and will be checked daily by the teacher for completion. Also, all students are expected to take part in each class’s activities and positively participate throughout the period. Homework/Participation grade will be worth 20% of each student’s marking period grade. Assignments completely done with required work shown will be worth 5 points, anything less will result in a grade of zero. NO PARTIAL CREDIT. If you disrupt the class or do not work to your potential, you will be given a zero for that day’s work.
5.) Lateness Policy-Lateness will not be tolerated. Any student late will be required to sign in the late book. The first time late will be a warning for the student. The second time late will result in a teacher detention and the third time late will be a discipline referral.
6.) Make-up work-It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work due to an absence. If a student is absent one day they will have two days to make up there missed work (EX. If you are absent Monday you have until Thursday to give me the make up work). If a student knows in advance that they will not be in class (EX. Field Trip, Sports, Driver’s ED etc.) they should let the teacher know and ask what they will be missing ahead of time. If a student is absent the day before a test or quiz (EX. Test/Quiz Review Day) they will still be responsible to take the test on the same day as the other students. If a student is absent on the day of a test they will take the test the next day they are in school.
7.) Cheating-Cheating will not be tolerated. Procedures as outlined in the student handbook will be strictly enforced. Any talking and/or sharing of calculators while taking a test or quiz is considered cheating and will result in a grade of zero for that assignment. Please remain quiet during the entire quiz or test.
8.) Calculators- Calculators are required for this course. Every calculator should have at least four functions (+, -, x, )Under no circumstance can a students use a cell phone, ipod, iphones, mp3 player etc. in the classroom. No Sharing Calulators! (See above).
9.) Extra Help-If a student is in need of extra help they are encouraged to contact Mr. McNally as soon as possible. Math builds upon itself and it is important that all concepts are understood and can be applied. DO NOT WAIT until the problem gets big!!! Also, you can contact either of us at: rmcnally@methacton.org ext. 23123.
10.) No food or drink is permitted in this classroom.
When you enter the room please go right to your seat and get your homework out.
Please sharpen your pencil before I start class.
Please raise your hand to ask or answer questions.
Do not leave your seat without permission.
Bring your calculator everyday.
Please check my website for assignments.
11.) Break Down of Grading
Tests 50%
Quizzes 30%
Homework/Participation 20%