1. Be prepared for class each day with yourcovered textbook, workbooks
and a writing utensil. You may not go to your locker for theseitems. Please
limit signing out to appropriate times as determinedby your teacher.
2. A Spanish notebook is a must! It may be checked periodically at yourteacher’s
discretion (or notebook quizzes may begiven). It is your responsibility tokeep
an accurate record of your grades so thatyou know how you are doing at all
times! If you find a discrepancy on Parent Portal, please bring it to theattention
of your teacher immediately.
3. Homework assignments and classwork arecourse requirements. Assignments
will be regular and will be checked daily forcompletion. Three points will be
subtractedfrom your communication grade each time that an assignment is
incomplete or not done at the time of thehomework check. Homework corrections
are to be made in class. Failureto make these corrections may result in an
additional loss of points.
4. As per the World Language NationalStandards, a communication grade will be
given daily. A maximum of three points can be earned eachday. Three points
will be awarded for exceptional work, two pointsfor average work, one point for
minimal work and zero points if any majorcomponent of the lesson is not done.
The following areas impact yourcommunication grade:
· Classwork(sponge activity, CD exercises, textbook exercises, workbook exercises andhomework correction)
· Attentiveness
· Participation
5.Students are expected to arrive to class prior to the sounding of thebell. There
will be an additional oneminute allowance for students traveling from the East
Wing to the West Wing. Any timeafter that window will be considered late and
two verbal warnings will be issued. Any subsequent infractions will result in a
detention. Any accrued warningsand detentions will remain for the duration of
the year and will NOTreset at the beginning of each marking period or semester.
Persistent offenders will be referred to the building administrator forfurther
punitive action. Please note thatany work missed due to unexcused lateness
and/or absence may not be made up.
6.Your attendance is a very important factor in determining your grade. Poor
attendance often results in poor grades. Keep up with the work when you have
been absent by e-mailing your teacher, checking on Parent Portal and/orchecking
your teacher’s website.
7.You are responsible for all work when you have missed class. Make up work
should be scheduled with your teacher at a time that is mutuallyconvenient.
You have twice the number of days that you were absent to make up workor a
“0%” will be assigned. Projectsand writing assignments may be turned in one
day late for a maximum of half credit for the work.
8.The following items are considered undesirable class behavior and will be dealt
with by detention, parental contact and/or disciplinary referral:
· Rudeness,insubordination and disrespectful behavior
· Excessivetalking and/or foul language
· Doingother classwork during Spanish instruction (work will be confiscated
andnot returned.
9.Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Refer to your student handbook for
the high school policy on cheating. Online translators are strictly prohibited on
any project or writing assignment. You are expected to use the vocabulary and
grammar that we study in class. You are assessed on the application of this
knowledge on those assignments. The purpose of these assignments is to see
what you know, not what a computer iscapable of doing. Use of online trans-
lators is considered cheating and willresult in a ZERO on the assignmentand a
disciplinary referral.
10. If you cut Spanish class or miss classwithout having been excused by your
teacher, you will forfeit the right to make up missed work and yourgrade for
the marking period will be reduced by 10% for the first offense. Any subsequent
class cuts will result in a failure for the marking period. In all cases, parents
will be notified by a disciplinaryreferral.
11.Use of eletronic devices (including but not limited to, cell phones, iPods,digital
cameras) is not permitted for theduration of class. Persistent offenderswill
be referred to the building administratorfor further punitive action.
12. Driver education training, musiclessons, videoconferences and guest speakers
during Spanish class time are privileges! Your teacher has the right to allow
you to attend or to prevent you from attending. You are responsible for all work
missed AND any new workassigned. You must be maintaining atleast a 70%
average to even be considered to miss class. No missing class if a test or quiz
has been scheduled for that day.
13.Students must clear their desks of all bags (backpacks, purses, etc.) for the
duration of the class period. Bags may be placed either on the floor in adesig-
nated area or in the basket providedunder each desk.
14.Major tests and quizzes are always announced in advance to allow for proper
preparation. Budget your time wisely and seek extra helpas needed. Spanish
is a sequential course where competencybuilds on past knowledge, so it is
imperative that you keep up with the workon a daily basis.
15. Students will be graded on the following : Tests 40%, Quizzes, Writing, Projects 35%,
Communication 15%, Homework 10%“Inevery Spanish classroom, you may only do that which benefits your learning andthe learning of others!” Have awonderful and successful school year!
StudentSignature_________________ Parent Signature_______________________