


    ROOM C 118
    and Arcola Room 112




                                                                                          610-489-5000 extension 26118


    Student Supplies



         Binder for German

    Sharpened Pencils

    Pens (blue, black and red ink)


    Notebook Paper

    Flash drive for projects, essays etc.


    Class Rules

    • Follow all High School rules. Follow all Arcola rules
    • Be respectful to all students, teachers, and guest speakers.
    • Do not enter any classroom without the teacher present.  Sit in assigned seat upon entering room.
    • Do not handle, touch, or use any equipment or materials in room unless you have the teacher’s permission.
    • Have textbook and workbooks with you each day for class.
    • Place all electronic devices in the cell phone caddy during class (Arcola in your locker or on the teacher desk)




    • Copy homework into your assignment book at the appropriate time during class.
    • Use proper grammar, including spelling, complete sentences, and paragraph construction.
    • Assignments will be posted on my website. This is especially helpful when you are absent.
    • Quizlet is available on-line to help with vocabulary.
    • All assignments will be posted on my German assignments page of this web site.


    Late Work

    Late homework will not be accepted.

    Assignments will lose 10%each day for up to 50% and then no credit will be given.

    Any assignment less than 10 points loses 50% next day and no credit after two days.

    If there are extenuatingcircumstances that cause homework to be late please notify me.

    Extra Credit           

    Extra credit may be offered from time to time. 

    Extra credit will not be given if regular assignments have not been completed.


    Cheating/Plagiarism Policy (taken directly fromstudent handbook)

    Cheating is defined as the giving or receiving of outside help on anything (including homework) that has been determined by the teacher to be an individual effort.  Any student who is caught cheating will automatically receive a zero on the assignment. Plagiarism is a violation against academic ethics.  Examples of plagiarism are stealing,borrowing, buying, or copying someone else’s work (e.g. homework, lab reports,take-home tests, and research papers). This also includes using an online translator which often have errors.


    Parent Portal

    I strongly encourage the use ofthe Methacton Parent Portal as an aid to help parents monitor their child’sacademic progress. 

    Students are also encouraged toaccess the Portal to track their grades. Grades are updated approximately once a week.

    If you have any concerns orquestions please e-mail me at mtarlecki@methacton.org.


    Computer Use Policy

    Students will be using computers for many purposes,including research, generating graphs, and word processing.  Any student who is using the computer in aninappropriate manner, such as accessing unapproved web sites, may lose computerprivileges. 



    • Upon your return, check with your teachers to see what you missed. 
    • Get missed notes and assignments from a friend and check my website.
    • Arrange to make up quizzes, tests. All tests must be made up within one week of the original date given.
    • You have two days for every day absent to make up work due to illness. If on vacation all assignments are due upon return.
    • If absent one day before a test, you will still be expected to take the test upon returning to school.
    • Planning on missing school due to a vacation?  Be sure to check the student handbook for Methacton’s vacation policy.


    I have read all the policies and expectations for Mrs. Tarlecki’s class and understand what is expected of me.

    I am aware that if I do not understand any of the expectations I will ask for clarification.






    STUDENT SIGNATURE________________________________

    PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ________________________________________



Last Modified on September 30, 2013