• lightbulb
    Students are required to take an AR test for every book they read during each marking period. Every student should strive to achieve a score of 85% or better on each test. If a student scores less than 65% on an AR test then they will not receive credit for having read that specific book (points for that book will not count towards marking period goal unless you schedule a book talk or summary with me). Students must choose books wisely by making sure the book they are reading is in their ZPD range. If a book is below the ZPD range but is still recommended as appropriate for middle school students, then the student may read the book. The ultimate goal is for students to read some books at the lower, middle, and upper level of their ZPD range in order to progressively challenge themselves. Students must also take an AR test as soon after completing a book as possible. All independent reading books must be in the AR system and cannot be previously read (check if your book is an AR book by clicking here: www.arbookfind.com) Taking a test the same day, or shortly after, you finish a book is highly recommended. The more time that lapses between the time a book is completed and the completion of the AR test, the less likely it is that the student will score well on the test. Students may take the test during free class time or 8th periods with Mrs. Leo only! Students may also take an AR test during Independent Reading time in reading class and on specific days set aside in the library for taking AR tests.
    Each student will be given their reading range and individual point goal (per marking period) as indicated by a computerized reading assessment entitled Star Reading. If a student is not sure if their independent reading book is within their reading range they can check on www.arbookfind.com.
Last Modified on August 28, 2017