    1. No late homework will be accepted, unless due to an excused absence. Field trips and sports are not excused absences.
    2.  Lateness and cutting class will not be tolerated.  Attendance is taken everyday.  You are expected to be in class on time.
    3.  Cheating or copying will result in a zero.
    4.  No electronic devices are permitted in the classroom.  Cell phones will be collected at the start of class and given back at the end of class.
    5.  Rude and vulgar language and/or bullying will not be tolerated.  Please respect others at all times.
    6.  Food and drink are not permitted in the classroom unless there is a medical condition.
    7. Utilization of the restroom is a privilege.  Please do not abuse it.  Limit signing out to the first or last 5 minutes of class unless there is an emergency.
    8.  Use of internet translators is strictly prohibited and will result in a "no credit" situation.  Please use wordreference.com as your online dictionary.
    9. Please try to use only Spanish when you are in the Spanish classroom.  You will be given a reference paper at the start of the school year to guide you.
    10. All other school rules listed in the student handbook apply.