Grading/Homework Policy
1. Students are expected to arrive on time for class, and when the bell rings, immediately take homework out to be checked and begin working on the “esponja”. Failure to do so will result in the loss of a point for the day.
2. Students will be given a daily communication grade. A maximum of three points can be earned each day: 3=exceptional work, 2=average work, 1=minimal work and 0=components of lesson not done.
The following areas impact your communication grade:
· Classwork(sponge activity, CD exercises, textbook exercises, workbook exercises and homework correction)
· Attentiveness
· Participation
3. Homework assignments will be checked for completion and will be worth 3 points each unless otherwise stated. Missing or incomplete homework will receive a zero (0). No half credit will be given.
4. All projects, writing assignments, vocabulary sentences, etc. may be turned in one day late for a 20% deduction. No projects or writing assignments will be accepted beyond one day late.
5. Be sure to make up all class work and homework missed while you are absent for any reason by checking my website.
6. Your grade each marking period will be based on classroom performance, homework, writing assignments, quizzes, tests and projects.7. Students may make up the written parts only(not listening) of quizzes and tests during a study hall, before school, or after school in the CSR. Tests and quizzes may also be made up in my classroom before school or after school. All listening sections will have to be made up with the teacher. Students may request a pass from me in order to be excused from study hall. Please make arrangements in advance as to when and where you plan to make up a quiz or test. All missed quizzes and tests must be made up in a timely manner!!
8. Cheating will not be tolerated. USE OF INTERNET TRANSLATORS SUCH AS GOOGLE TRANSLATOR IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. This is considered plagiarism. You may use ONLINE DICTIONARIES such as wordreference.com (and this is by far the best one to use) to look up unfamiliar words. If use of an Internet translator is suspected, the teacher reserves the option to issue a “zero” for the assignment.
9. Unauthorized use of cell phones will not be permitted. All students will be expected to place their cell phones in a cell phone caddy. Students will be issued a # for this.10. Food and drink will not be permitted in the classroom. Students may have a water bottle.I am looking forward to a successful year. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do to help you .