    Ven Conmigo  Level 3: Used for Spanish 4                                                                                                             
    Publisher: Holt, Reinhart and Winston
    The entire textbook is found online at www.go.hrw.com.  Students are provided with a username and password the first week of the school year.  Students may use the online textbook to look up vocabulary, complete assignments, and do practice activities.
    In addition to the textbook, students have two workbooks.  These are the cuaderno de gramatica and the cuaderno de actividades.  Student homework is frequently assigned from these books.  Students may purchase or borrow these.  A workbook letter will be sent home the first week of school.
    For Level IV Spanish, Students will complete Chapters 1-6 of the level 3 textbook.
    Spanish 3 and 3 honors 
     Level 3 and 3 honors students will use the textbook series Asi se dice.  Students will complete chapters 7-9 in the level 2 book and chapters 1-3 in the level 3 book.  Students will also have a workbook to go along with the online textbook.  Information will be sent home the first week of school. Students may purchase or borrow workbooks.