Informational Videos for ELD Families
Below are three links to videos that will provide you with information on key topics including what it means to be an EL, the WIDA standards and assessments, and how to interpret student language proficiency scores.My child is an English language learner. What does that mean?
This video provides information about what it means to be an English learner, how students are identified as English learners, and how students are reclassified in an English language development program.My child is an English language learner. How is my child's language development supported at school?This video provides information about the different ways students use the English language at school, along with information about the WIDA English Language Development Standards and how these standards can be used to support students' English language development.My child is an English language learner. How do I know if my child is making progress?This video provides information about how educators share information with parents about student' English language development, specifically what scores from the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment mean, and how these scores can be used.Other Resources
United States Department of Education English Learner Information- This is a great introduction tool to use for teachers, administrators, and parents of English Learners.
EL Family Toolkit- This is a great resource for families of English Learners as well as principals, teachers, and other staff that may have the opportunity to work with English Learners. The resource provides information about choosing educational services to meet their child's needs. Please note that this site is still under construction and more chapters will be added soon!