Letter from the Superintendent - July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020
Dear Methacton Families,
The 2020-2021 School year will begin on September 8, 2020 for students in grades K-12. For the first marking period (September 8, 2020 through November 11, 2020) all students will be instructed by Methacton teachers in the Methacton Online program using the framework and sample schedules posted here. In addition to the structured academic components, the district will be utilizing the Skyview/Arcola campus to provide optional on premises related services clinic, a student services center, daily grab-n-go meal distribution, and full day childcare services (YMCA). Each building in the district will be coordinating in-person social opportunities for students to keep them connected to their peers all within the established health and safety plan.
While there are a number of important matters that we will be communicating over the next several weeks, it is important for me to share that this first marking period will not be similar to the pandemic remote learning that your children received last spring. Our teachers have been busy all summer planning and engaged in pedagogical and best practices professional development and will be prepared to deliver high quality online instruction. Our teachers and support staff are committed to the success of our students and ask that we leverage our strong reputation, commitment to excellence, and strength of our community to make this first marking period exceptional.
Our efforts over the next several weeks will be focused on preparing school and communicating with students and parents, but our Pandemic Response Team will continue to monitor expert guidance, address the limitations of our current plan, and develop a path forward by mid-October that allows for a safe return to on-premises schooling.
Lastly, I sincerely appreciate our teachers, support staff, administrators, the Board of School Directors and our parents for their support, their contributions, and feedback over these past several months. I recognize that our temporary path forward, is just that, temporary – and it should allow us to better prepare and provide students and families options for their children in the near future.
Thank you for your commitment to Methacton Schools.
Dr. David Zerbe
Superintendent of Schools
Letter from the Superintendent - July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
Dear Methacton Families,In just a few short weeks, the Methacton School District is scheduled to start school. I know our entire school community is anxious and eager to know exactly how we are going to start school.Over the past several months, I have been communicating and narrowing the options for our Board’s consideration. While we have been doing our work, we also have been recognizing that many changes are occurring around us. We have seen several updates to recommendations from health experts that contradict previous recommendations. We have also received updates from our County and the Pennsylvania Department of Education that further limit our potential options. More recently, we are seeing many of our neighboring districts release plans for a full virtual start for their students.Because this situation is extremely fluid, I am recommending for the Board’s consideration that we push back the student start date to September 8, 2020, in addition to laying out all the options for the Board to consider in a reopening of our schools at our meeting tonight at 7:00 PM.Sincerely,Dr. David ZerbeSuperintendent of Schools -
Letter from the Superintendent - June 24, 2020 / 6:10pm
Dear Methacton Families,
There are a number of moving parts to preparing the on premises and online plans. One of those important aspects is ensuring that the feedback I received is properly considered and addressed in the revisions of the plan.
Please know that I became aware late this afternoon that one critical element was not included in the revised plan of 7/24/2020. That was the matter regarding face masks. I have since revised the 7/24/2020 plan to revision #1 that now includes the specifics associated with the feedback from the Board of School Directors, staff, and the public from this week’s meetings.
Please see the revised plan here.
Please see an update to the FAQ’s here.
Dr. David Zerbe
Letter from the Superintendent - July 24, 2020 / 1:40pm
Dear District Families,
Please find below information on the Reopening Plan for Methacton Schools.
The Methacton School District has released the current version (as of 7/24/2020 - Revision 1) of the DRAFT Reopening Plan for 2020-2021 School Year. The update includes the following: professional development/training table, visual sample classroom, cafeteria, and bus configurations, update on face coverings, addresses music instruction and more.
We have posted Methacton Online sample schedules for all levels.
As a reminder-> In order for the district to plan, we are requesting that all parents/guardians complete one of the two registration options for each school aged child in the home:
Parents have two options for which to choose from for their children:
- OPTION 1: Register for On-Premises Schooling – 5 days per week at school
- OPTION 2: Register for On-Line Schooling – 5 days per week at home in online schooling
We plan to provide responses to FAQ’s by end of day Saturday 7/25/2020.
Questions about Methacton Online: email to methactononline@methacton.org
Questions regarding all other reopening matters: email reopening@methacton.org
Letter from the Superintendent - July 23, 2020
Dear Methacton School District Families,
Action Requested
The Methacton School District has released their DRAFT reopening plans for 2020-2021 School Year.
Parents have two options for which to choose from for their children:
- On-Premises Schooling – 5 days per week at school
- On-Line Schooling – 5 days per week at home in online schooling
A video summary presentation of these options can be found here
Written detail of each option can be found by selecting the link embedded within the two options above
In order for the district to plan, we are requesting that all parents/guardians complete one of the two options for each school aged child in the home register either for ON PREMISES or ONLINE for each child as soon as possible, but no later than August 5 for grades K-8 and July 29, 2020 for grades 9-12.
If you plan to send your child(ren) to:
Option 1: On Premises Schooling: Please register for on premises now by clicking here: On Premises
For questions regarding On Premises schooling or any other reopening question please email reopening@methacton.org
If you plan or are considering to send your child(ren) to:
Option 2: On-Line Schooling, and have not already done so, please register now for Methacton Online
For questions on Methacton On-Line please email Methactononline@methacton.org
NOTE: currently we have 463 students enrolled in Methacton Online and 287 students strongly considering Methacton Online. In total this is about 16% of the students in the district. Sample student schedules will be posted for each level Friday morning. A message will be sent updating parents of this posting.
Note: An updated release of the On Premises Health and Safety Plan is targeted for Friday, July 24, 2020. An email will be sent to all families in the district notifying them of the update and will be posted on the district’s website under Roadmap to Reopening Methacton Schools.
Letter from the Superintendent - July 17, 2020
Dear Methacton Families,
As we continue forward with communicating the DRAFT plan for reopening Methacton Schools, please see the second of two communications that contains the last 3 major components addressing:
- Symptom screening
- Cleaning/sanitation/disinfection
- Communications
The Methacton School District will issue a Symptoms Check List to each family prior to the start of the school year. The symptom check list is recommended to be placed on the refrigerator or easily observable location within the household so that parents/guardians, student and staff alike can be reminded and be mindful to check themselves daily before leaving their home in the AM against the below list:
- Headache
- Fatigue
- New loss of taste or smell
- Fever (100.4) or chills
- Congestion or runny nose
- Muscle or body aches
- Cough
- Nausea or vomiting
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Diarrhea
- Sore throat
Everyone should recognize that the symptoms listed above can be a result of a number of medical or other matters that are in no way related to COVID-19. Considering that a test administered by a medical professional is generally the only means to confirm that the symptoms are a result of COVID-19 and that these symptoms may appear between 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.We ask that parents, students, and staff contribute to the health and safety of everyone by remembering this phrase – “if I feel ill- STAY HOME”.
If a student, staff member or essential visitor tests positive for COVID-19 after being on campus, they should advise the school nurse immediately. That individual will be sent home and be required to secure a COVID 19 test or medical clearance prior to returning to school/work.
If a student, staff member or essential visitor presents at school with flu-like or COVID-19 like symptoms, he/she will be sent home and be required to secure a COVID 19 test or medical clearance prior to returning to school/work.
ACTIONS REQUIRED: When anyone who becomes sick in school:
- Symptomatic student MUST place on self, a FACE MASK
- Symptomatic student MUST report immediately to the School Nurse for assessment.
- Based on School Nurses’ assessment, the School Nurse will coordinate with building administration to place symptomatic student into school building isolation area.
- Any student placed in school isolation area will be monitored.
- School will notify the parent/guardian and require symptomatic student to be picked up within one hour.
- Symptomatic staff members should contact their supervisor and report to the School Nurse for an assessment.
- School Nurse will contact staff supervisor in the event the assessment requires staff member to be sent home.
- School nurse will notify District Nursing Department Coordinator daily of COVID-19 student and staff assessments.
- District Nursing Department Coordinator will notify Pandemic Response Team Coordinator (Superintendent) of assessments on a weekly basis and immediately of confirmed cases.
- All Confirmed cases will be reported to the County Department of Health
- District will cooperate with County Department of Health and communicate where and when appropriate.
District will follow the Montgomery County Department of Health Exclusion Guide
Each school building has designated an isolation space for the purpose of isolating persons who become sick in school to await parent/guardian for pick up. This space is NOT in the School Nurses Office, but is located close by the school nurses office in an adjacent room. The school nurse will monitor this space and not allow more students in the space than acceptable by distancing standards. The building isolation space will be separated from the nurse’s office and will be well-ventilated and easy to disinfect.
The school nurse may evaluate any individual who presents with symptoms, but it is the recommendation of the district for the parent/guardian of child or employee to contact their primary physician for appropriate measures immediately. The school nurse will take the temperatures for only those individuals who present with symptoms.
The district will provide appropriate PPE to staff and students in the nurse’s suite and isolation space and to those interacting directly with a symptomatic individual.
Custodial staff will be directed to disinfect classrooms or spaces occupied by symptomatic individuals prior to reentry by students and staff. This may displace students and staff temporarily during the school day.
Students impacted by isolation/quarantine will be provided a continuity of education plan coordinated between the school counselor and the family with services being provided through the Methacton Online program or other appropriate arrangements.
Students and staff who are high risk and most vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 morbidity, are encouraged to wear face coverings, while on school property and engaging in school related activities at all times.
Each building will monitor absenteeism to identify any trends in student and staff absences due to illness.
The district will issue guidelines for staff to follow with respect to the importance of staying home if symptomatic.
The district will adopt flexible attendance policies for students and staff that that are applicable to this plan.
Resuming in-person instruction is a high priority, but we must do so in a safe and responsible manner that minimizes the risk of exposure to the coronavirus. Given this, the district has developed cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting and ventilation protocols, procedures and checklists to ensure that all of our buildings are thoroughly maintained in accordance with the guidelines from national health organizations in partnership with local and state public health officials.
The district has applied for the PCCD’s COVID-19 School Safety and Security Grant to procure adequate supplies of cleaning, sanitation and disinfecting materials that meet OSHA and CDC criteria. Furthermore, the district has allocated funds ($325,000) in the 2020-2021 budget for COVID-19 purchases that may be required during the school year.
Our custodial and maintenance staff will be trained on the implementation of these protocols and procedures and will use the appropriate PPE.
In addition, district administration and custodial/maintenance supervisors will conduct compliance checks to ensure that the protocols/procedures are being implemented properly and to make sure areas are being addressed as required throughout the day. Our second shift custodial and maintenance staff will be performing rigorous cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting measures to ready all areas for the return of our staff and students daily. We will employ additional cleaning staff for each shift in order to maintain the level of care for students and staff.
All students are required to provide a water bottle bearing a label with the student’s name. All water fountains will be made inoperable with the exception of water bottle fillers. The district will assist students with economic need in accessing a water bottle and alternative options will be available for misplaced or forgotten bottles. The Principal and teachers will coordinate water breaks throughout the day in order to provide reasonable access to water while limiting gathering around water bottle fillers. Bottled water will be provided to supplement buildings/classrooms as needed.
Playground equipment use will be available, but modifications may occur to maintain consistency with the expert guidance and County Department of Health.
Safety Drills – awaiting county safety guidance
Enhanced disinfection and sanitizing procedures will be employed throughout the school day and at night. Custodians will be trained in disinfecting high touch points and restrooms during class periods, utilizing hand-held electrostatic and backpack sprayers with a disinfectant approved by the EPA for the control of COVID-19. The disinfectant has a kill/dwell time of one minute. The sprayer puts out a 40 micron spray mist that wraps around surfaces, due to the electrostatic properties. The application in a typical classroom takes 3-5 minutes depending on the density of furniture in the class and will take 7 minutes to dry.
Sanitizing will also take place in office spaces, cafeterias, and classrooms. Spray bottles with disinfectant, cloths and pre-treated wipes will be provided for use by faculty and staff.
Custodial employee’s shifts will be arranged to allow for additional coverage during the day before, during, and after lunch to assist with the additional disinfection/sanitizing procedures/routines. Additional casual staff will be scheduled where necessary for coverage within the schools.
Once areas have been cleaned in the evening, each class, restroom and common spaces will be disinfected by the use of the backpack disinfectant sprayer.
Elementary (K-6):
Principals and teachers will organize procedures/routines in coordination with building custodial staff and Aramark staff to address health and safety measures while eating in classrooms along with the proper disposal, general upkeep and organization of classrooms.
Kindergarten classrooms will be cleaned/disinfected between AM and PM sessions.
All Elementary classrooms will be equipped with disinfecting spray and wipes in order to accommodate additional and incidental disinfecting needs. Principals will coordinate disinfection protocols with instructional staff and custodial staff for additional/incidental disinfection routines to ensure staff and student safety.
Restrooms will be cleaned/disinfected multiple times throughout the school day based on planned use schedule.
Classrooms, large group areas, offices and hallways will be thoroughly cleaned/disinfected every evening.
Secondary (7-12):
Each classroom will be equipped with disinfecting wipes, gloves, and spray in order to accommodate the transition of students throughout the day and for additional and incidental disinfecting needs. Teachers will establish routines to ensure that the use of disinfection spray is applied to desks, chair arms, seats and related surfaces used by students prior to those surfaces being used by another student.
Staff will be instructed by the building custodian on options available for increasing classroom ventilation during the day and where and when feasible.
Cafeteria serving lines and all tables used for eating purposes will be cleaned/disinfected following each lunch period at all levels using a combination of the electrostatic disinfection sprayers and bottled disinfecting spray.
Gymnasium equipment used during a physical education class will be cleaned/disinfected prior to it being reused. Physical Education modifications of curriculum will limit the use of equipment used/shared and make available hand sanitizer and hand washing routines for all levels.
In the instance that the district is subject to the YELLOW phase, the district will cease use of cafeterias and other congregate settings with all meals being served in classrooms at all levels.
Routines will be encouraged daily through teacher led discussion/demonstration, building posted signs/posters, and classroom audio announcements at each level to help encourage all individuals to sanitize/wash hands before and after eating, when entering and leaving classrooms, and as prescribed within this plan. COVID-19 Stop the Spread Posters will be prominently displayed throughout all of our schools to assist with reminder of safety, sanitation, and distancing practices. All individuals will sanitize/wash hands before and after eating. Teachers will reinforce good hygiene measures, such as handwashing, covering coughs, using face coverings, blowing your nose, sneezing and touching your face.
Aramark will provide training in COVID-19 best practices for preparation and distribution of food and food safety along with enhanced disinfecting and cleaning protocols for all schools.
At the elementary level (K-6) standard daily routine requires students use of hand sanitizer or washing of hands when: coming onto the bus; coming into the classroom from bus; after morning bathroom break (if applicable); before and after breakfast and lunch; before they leave for recess or PE (rest of specials are in room); re-entering the room from PE or recess; at end of the day before getting on the bus; and any transition activities where they will leave or re-enter the classroom.
At the secondary level (7-12), students will have access to hand sanitizer in all classrooms, special areas, fields, cafeteria, hallways and offices and will be encouraged to use sanitizer each time they leave and enter a space. Frequent handwashing/hand sanitization will be promoted and strongly encouraged.
While in the GREEN phase, the district will continue with recess activities when practical as long as those activities limit physical contact and touching and use of equipment. If the district is subjected to the YELLOW phase, modified and or limited recess may occur.
The district will issue to each student in grades K-6 a materials box that will include necessary learning materials, tools and resources including pencils, ruler, pens, erasers, colored pencils, post-it notes, crayons, scissors, whiteboard, tape, marker, highlighter, glue sticks, etc. in order to limit the sharing of supplies throughout the day.
The district used COVID-19 grant funds to purchase additional technology to allow for a Chromebook for grades 3 through 6. This then provides a Chromebook for each student in grades 3 through 12 districtwide and limits the need for students to share technology devices.
Teachers and Principals will limit the sharing of high-touch materials to the extent possible including art supplies, science equipment, etc. OR will limit the use of supplies and equipment to one group of students at a time prior to reuse. Classrooms will be equipped with clean/dirty bin for those items that were shared and need to be sanitized before being reused.
The district will consult with the Montgomery County Health Department on any decision related to the closure of classrooms, schools, or the district.
The district will notify families and staff if the closing of a classroom, school or district is recommended by the Montgomery County Health Department, the reasons so determined and the responsive actions of the district to such recommendation. The district will provide notice on important matters including classroom, school and district closures via email, web site, phone calls, and social media where and when appropriate.
The district will continue to review health guidance from national, state, and county organizations and will update the Health and Safety protocols as necessary and will communicate those changes to parents and students via email, web site, phone calls, and social media.
A program of education on signs and symptoms of COVIDS-19 will be provided to all employees, students, and parents/guardians as well as the practices recommended at home before reporting to work or returning children to school.
The district will provide posters for home and include details in all building communications to the home as we work to remind families of the ongoing diligence and importance of keeping symptomatic children home from school. A daily reminder of the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and the immediate actions if feeling symptomatic will be provided every day by way of announcement by homeroom or first period teacher.
District will be providing approved plans to on-site before/after care providers and will require them to follow same standards as adopted by district.
Notify childcare facilities of any transportation, student health or calendar changes as soon as possible where applicable and necessary for the health and safety of students and staff.
The district will communicate with before and after care programs and the Pre-K Count program to ensure that staff and students associated with such programs are informed of the protocols required.
The district will communicate with third party groups that rent space from the district to advise them that we will be strictly limiting the use of facilities to outside groups in order to best manage the building environment due to challenges with cleaning/sanitation/disinfection needs, procedures, and staffing.
A Quick Reference Guide of the plan will be developed from the approved plan and distributed to parents and will be placed on the district website and be communicated via other media forms.
Lastly, please know that I have been in contact with the District Pandemic Team, the Board of School Directors, the Methacton Education Association (teachers association), home and School parents, and a group of parents/physicians to review/share this plan. I am holding staff meetings on Monday and Tuesday July 20/21, have a work session of the Board on the evening of the 22nd, and holding parent focus groups on 22nd and 23rd of July. Any questions or comments can be sent to Reopening@Methacton.org.
As always, I appreciate your support during this process.
Dr. David ZerbeSuperintendent of Schools -
Letter from the Superintendent - July 16, 2020
Dear Methacton Families,
The Methacton School District’s Reopening Plan is being developed by district administration and members of the pandemic team. The plan embodies the latest guidance and recommendations and outlines our intended actions to reopen our schools on August 31, 2020.
While the district plans for school to resume as close to normal as possible when it starts in August, we recognize that remaining in an On Premises school program will be challenging given the uncertainty around COVID-19 and the coming flu season. The overall plan addresses these concerns by providing initial options for students/families to start the school year On Premise or to start the school year in Methacton Online. If we are forced at some point in the school year to close On Premise, all students will move to Methacton Online.
The rest of this message is specific to the On Premise plan, taking the health and safety of our students and staff as top priority while addressing these 5 core matters:
- Symptom screening health checklist will be provided and communicated regularly requiring students/parents/visitors and staff to confirm daily before boarding a school bus or entering a school building. Our message is -> if ill, stay home.
- Social distancing is required for health and safety of all students and staff. Notice: while some health organizations recommend 6’ distance for grades K -12, it may not be practical for students 100% of the school day.
- Face coverings are required (mask or shield) when indoors and unable to maintain social distancing standards outlined within this plan.
- Cleaning/sanitation/disinfection are all part of enhanced personal and building routines.
- Communications to students, parents/guardians and staff on frequent basis is critical to the long term compliance with plan and the health and safety of our community.
Everyone should remain mindful that as long as there are cases of COVID-19 in the community, there are no strategies that can completely eliminate transmission risk within a school population. The goal is to keep transmission as low as possible and to safely continue school activities.
Based on available guidance and the Governor’s order, it is clear that the two of the most important actions in reducing virus spread is to leverage a combination of face coverings and social distancing. Please find the proposed plan on these two areas -> Face Coverings and Distancing. The other three areas will come in a subsequent communication.
Students and staff are required to wear a face covering when:
- Boarding a school bus and riding the school bus.
- Entering a school building.
- When entering and traveling in the hallways within a school building.
- When entering and leaving a room.
- When social distancing of 6’ is not possible.
- When instructed by a teacher to perform an educational activity.
- When traveling to and from and while in restrooms when possible.
- When in the cafeteria other than eating or drinking.
Students and staff are highly encouraged to wear a face covering whenever possible, even outside of the required listing noted above.
The district recognizes, for example, that while in classrooms and social distancing, face coverings may be removed temporarily and from time to time.
Students and staff are permitted to remove their face covering:
- If they are outdoors and able to maintain a distant of 6 feet from individuals.
- Eating and drinking when spaced 6 feet apart.
- Seated at desks or assigned work spaces 6 feet apart.
- Engaged in any activity 6 feet apart (e.g. face covering breaks, recess, etc.).
Please recognize that there may be students in a school building who for some medical, sensory, or other lawful reason, may not be required to wear a face covering. The district will work with these students and families by offering face shields or other alternative options where appropriate. However, it is important that all parents recognize that while we have a face covering requirement, there may be exemptions to this requirement on a limited case by case basis. All exemptions will be documented in the building main office. Where appropriate, we will make arrangements with face covering exemptions to limit their interaction with others during face covering where and when feasible.
Each student and staff member is required to supply their own face covering.
The district will make available to students and staff disposable face masks on buses, when entering the school buildings (car line) and other locations designated throughout each building in the instance that the student or staff member forgets/damages their own face covering.
The district will provide face shields for student use in designated educational spaces where developmentally and educationally appropriate.
The district will provide a face shield for each staff member.
Disposable face masks will be made available for student and staff as needed.
It is critical that all students and staff have on their person at least 1 disposable or reusable face mask (regardless of their choice to regularly use a mask or shield) in the instance that their primary face covering is compromised, becomes unusable, or is required at the direction of the school nurse.
Students and staff can determine for themselves (or by the parent/guardian of a student) the face covering type to wear. Students will be encouraged the use the face covering (mask or shield) as developmentally appropriate. Disposable and reusable masks that cover the nose and mouth that are secured to the head with ties, straps, or loops over the ears or is wrapped around the lower face are acceptable as are face shields that additionally cover the eyes. The district recommends that any face covering conform to standards established by the CDC and that they conform to district policy for grooming and dress standards.
Guidance from Montgomery County Department of Health on Face Coverings:
- Face Mask plus Face Shield: Provides the ultimate protection is primarily recommended for health care works who have direct exposure to individuals with COVID-19.
- Face Mask Only: Strongly encouraged by CDC. Face masks protect the nose and mouth, and is near-complete barrier on the sides of the wearer’s face.
- Face Shields Only: May be the most well-suited facial protection option for certain school situations, as these devices do not obstruct the mouth.
- Face shields are easier to disinfect than cloth masks.
- It is easier to breathe then wearing a mask.
- Prevent the wearer from touching much, if not all, of their face while a cloth mask only covers the nose, cheeks, and mouth.
Parents should begin seeking out face coverings that will fit and are comfortable for their child(ren). If determining the use of a reusable mask, parents should consider the proper care and quantity needed to ensure compliance with CDC recommendations. There are a number of resources on the Internet from which to base your determination on. We suggest you do this as soon as possible so that you can have your child practice wearing the face covering prior to the first day of school.
All students in grades 5 through 12 will be REQUIRED to wear a district-issued lanyard with district identification attached. The lanyard is required to be visible and can be worn around the neck or be affixed to a backpack, but must be in plain sight when boarding the bus and while in school at all times. Lanyards can be removed and stored on person as directed by a teacher in the event that the class/activity and wearing of lanyard presents a safety issue.
Teachers will reinforce good hygiene measures, such as handwashing, covering coughs, and using face coverings. Information on the proper use, removal and cleaning of face coverings will be provided to all staff, students, and families. District will supply systems, materials, and supplies to address face coverings that are supplied by the district.
The significance of face covering use is paramount to the health and safety of all students and staff. Our building Principals will be consistent in the enforcement of these requirements with the failure to comply with face covering requirements, as outlined within, will result in disciplinary action.
Our schools will follow guidance from the national health organizations and the County Department of Health regarding distancing within our environment whenever reasonably possible. Please know that the district will be providing a building by building specific opening document inclusive of classroom pictures and renderings to illustrate how classrooms will be organized.
Classrooms/Learning Space Related Matters
- At all levels, outdoor spaces such as playgrounds and fields will be utilized for instruction, recess and physical education when practicable.
- The district is finalizing the maximum number of seats for each educational space based on current distancing guidelines with the removal of non-essential furniture, carpets, and supplies being removed to maximize physical space. Student spacing reduces the maximum number of students per section/class in many spaces. Therefore, class size limits have been adjusted and are less than district Board policy. The district has determined the ventilation needs of educational spaces and will be providing specific instruction to teachers by building.
- Every attempt will be made to provide a teacher’s desk and student desks that are spaced at 6’ X 5’ foot distancing - placed 6’ apart from center (Left to Right) and 5’ apart from center (Front to Back). A designated area for the teacher to deliver instruction will be targeted at 6’ on center apart from the first row of student desks whenever feasible. It is important to note that our classroom designs will be traditional in nature (rows/columns of desks and chairs) and facing the same direction and will use staggered or diagonal seating at shared tables to limit face-to-face seating in order to accommodate current social distancing guidelines. We anticipate having all class sizes and configurations concluded by July 23, 2020.
- Elementary students (grades K-6) will remain in their homeroom for the majority of the school day with limited interactions with other classrooms of students. Our professional teaching staff will transition between classrooms as needed. Special area teachers, where practicable, will provide instruction in the homeroom environment rather than using their designated area based on the space available in a particular school, scheduling, and disinfection protocols.
- Based on the schedule and program offerings at the secondary level (grades 7-12), students will travel from class-to-class; however, a staggered transition and additional time will be allotted to allow for reduced volume of students to pass between classes in the hallway.
- At the secondary level, fields will be used for physical education classes whenever possible. Modifications to Physical Education classes and spaces will allow for safe operation of the Physical Education program. Students will not change for Physical Education class and locker rooms will not be utilized for changing in grades 7-12.
- The final plan will include visuals, dimensions, and counts for each building room in order to help parents best understand what the changes in the environment will look like.
Final plan will have renderings and photos of each building standard rooms.
Food Services Related Matters
- Buildings will use outdoor areas for additional seating during designated lunch periods and other internal spaces will be converted into additional student eating areas to accommodate social distancing guidelines when needed.
- All students will eat breakfast (when applicable) in their home room/first period. Students in grades 1-4 will eat lunch in their homeroom. Specific procedures for food ordering, distribution, cleaning and disinfection will be communicated in advance of the start of school.
- Cafeterias will be used for lunches in buildings housing grades 5 through 12. Large school spaces will be converted to eating areas in order to accommodate the number of students per lunch period and provide for social distancing. All spaces will be supervised and require students and staff to adhere to the face coverings requirements. Students will be placed at a single desk/table or staggered in group tables so as to meet the distancing guides during lunch.
- Aramark has developed procedures for distribution of breakfast and lunch foods to allow for the distancing requirements. Those specifics will be included in the overall plan and be shared with students/families in advance of school start in a separate communication.
- There will be modifications to the breakfast and lunch service where building applicable (mostly Arcola and HS):
- No more condiment pumps/stations – individual packet portions.
- Eliminating of any menu offerings to “build” their own meal (nachos, hamburger bar).
- Cutlery will be individually wrapped, available for students to take on their own.
- Menu options taken by the student - not served will be pre-packaged.
- Pre-order forms to be expanded.
- Deli will remain as a take n' go station.
- Hot items where applicable will be pre-packaged or will be served in modified packaging (heat-safe bags, clamshells).
- All whole fruit with the exception of oranges & bananas will be wrapped or in a pre-packaged container.
- Arcola & Skyview will utilize breakfast carts with the same social distancing guidelines.
- Elementary will have no hot meals, food will be preordered and delivered to the rooms.
- Students will take trays to the drop-off location upon dismissal following all guidance including social distancing and face shields/face masks.
- Serving line capacity and line up procedures per school have been determined and students will be instructed by staff of these procedures.
- Final plan will include a rendering for each building cafeteria set up for grades 5-12.
Transportation Related Matters
- Drivers are required to wear a face covering at all times when students are boarding and on board a bus, van or other vehicle that serves the purpose of transporting students.
- Students are required to wear a face covering in order to board and ride the bus. Bus drivers will issue disposable masks in the instance students forget their mask. Hand sanitizer will be made available as students enter the bus.
- It is highly recommended that students and parents/guardians wear a face covering at bus stops and that all individuals cooperate with social distancing.
- Methacton School buses are generally 72 passenger and 48 passenger rated buses. Based on CDC and county department of health guidelines, Methacton will transport students based on 2 students per seat with same households potentially sitting 3 per seat where level/size appropriate. We do not anticipate needing additional drivers or buses since our normal average ridership falls well within the new allowable limit and where we are likely to see an increase in parental transport (car line) on each campus.
- School buses and vans will be limited to two (2) students to a seat. Students in same household are encouraged to sit together. Students will board bus back to front reducing the crossing of paths on the bus and exit from front to back.
- Students will be required to have on their person in plain sight a district-issued lanyard and student ID prior to boarding the bus (around neck or affixed to backpack).
- Students and drivers will be educated on the importance of passengers facing forward (not sideways or backwards).
- Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to wear face coverings at bus stops and to maintain distance of 6 feet whenever possible.
- Bus windows will be lowered by drivers each day when reasonable and cabin fans will run at all times to increase ventilation.
- School buses will be disinfected following the AM pick up and following the PM drop off using CDC approved disinfecting spray.
- The final plan will include a rendering of the typical bus seating.
Arrival/Dismissal Related Matters
- Each school building will deploy staggered arrival and departure procedures in order to reduce the number of students in hallways and corralling through doorways. Specific plans for the arrival will be communicated to families in advance of the school start.
- Modifications to procedures at entrances and exits for parent pick-up/drop-off, bus pick up and drop off, and student drivers may occur as part of arrival and dismissal plans.
- Each school building will provide supervised early car rider drop-off services in the AM. This new service will allow students to be dropped off as early as 30 minutes prior to the normal car line/bus drop off time frame for each campus/school. This is being provided as a means to encourage parents to commit to driving their child to school while providing a large enough time gap to limit, to a degree, the traffic congestion on campuses. In summary, each school will have early car rider drop off, regular car rider drop off, bus drop off and student driving at the HS. More information and signup to follow.
Scheduling Related Matters
- Each principal will review the bell and master schedule to determine the best means to limit students and staff transition, interaction among classrooms etc. In the event that students do travel, PPE supplies and procedures will be in place to support these measures. Principals will limit the number of transitions throughout the school day where feasible in relationship to schedule.
- Additional time will be provided to students for staggered transitions from class-to-class in grades 7-12.
- Principals will limit unnecessary congregations of students and staff including assemblies, large group and study halls.
- Exceptions to distancing may be required to support students with special circumstances and special needs. These matters will be addressed with students and families on a case-by-case basis with considerations for the health and safety of all.
- In order to continue to provide related and support services while On Premise, some services will be provided in a shared online learning environment during the school day.
Athletic and Activity Related Matters
- The district is addressing athletic and activity matters in a separate plan. However, the following items are added here as per our PDE requirements.
- Everyone must wear a face covering, such as a mask. Coaches, athletes and spectators must wear face coverings unless they are outdoors and can consistently maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet. Athletes are not required to wear face coverings while actively engaged in workouts and competition that prevent the wearing of face coverings, but must wear face coverings when on the sidelines, in the dugout, etc. and anytime 6 feet of social distancing is not possible.
- The district will be considering on an event by event basis the postponement non-critical gatherings and events. We will ensure students and parents have a clear understanding of all upcoming gatherings and large events for our school community (e.g., assemblies, field days, spirit nights, athletic events).
- The district will consider all non-essential travel and limit the scheduling large group activities such as field trips, inter-group events, and extracurricular activities.
- Outdoor events over 250 people are prohibited.
Other Areas/Matters
- Where practicable and based on school configuration, hallways and stairwells will have directional or traffic lanes marked.
- Playground equipment use will be available, but modifications may occur to maintain consistency with the expert guidance and County Department of Health.
- We will cohort students and limit the size of groups using the playground at any one time.
- We will encourage activities that reinforce physical distancing during playground play.
- Students and staff will wash their hands or use hand-sanitizer before and after being on the playground.
- There will be no use of student lockers.
- Assign lockers by cohort or eliminate lockers altogether.
- Each elementary homeroom will be assigned a designated area outside so students can engage in physical fitness activities with their teacher and/or a recess aide.
- The district will limit student field trips, and in person group activities, extracurricular activities.
- Community Education activities will move to online only.
- The district will temporarily postpone in building volunteers at the beginning of the school term in order to evaluate the best and safest opportunities for students, staff and volunteers to make contributions to students and programs.
- Staff and students will be made aware during the first day of school how to address emergencies and associated drills in tandem with social distancing policy/procedure.
- The district will provide listing of resources that will be recommended to parents/guardians to assist with the crucial conversations on the return to school.
Lastly, please remember that this is a working DRAFT. I fully expect that I will have feedback from the Board and the community over the next week and will continue to communicate more and more details towards final adoption on July 28, 2020. The last three parts of the DRAFT plan will be released on Friday, July 17, 2020. Questions can continue to be emailed to Reopening@methacton.org.
As always, thank you for your patience and commitment to Methacton School District and our community.
Dr. David ZerbeSuperintendent of Schools -
Letter from the Superintendent - July 13, 2020
Dear Methacton Families,
This message addresses two matters:
- Frequently asked questions regarding Methacton
- On Premise Reopening Plan – Focus Group registration now open
Before we get to the two matters listed above, it is important that you know we will continue to provide information on Methacton On Premise reopening plan and Methacton Online each week as we progress to the final Board adoption on July 28, 2020. Going forward please send questions to Reopening@Methacton.org. I will be monitoring this email account and will be responding via FAQ’s to the common questions.
While the draft Methacton On Premise plan has about 31 pages of detail, we will be highlighting the following specific topics in the coming days including:
- Face Coverings
- Classroom Configurations/Distancing
- Breakfast, Lunch and Recess
- Transportation
- Cleaning/Disinfecting Protocols
- Athletics/Activities
With regards to Methacton Online, the online plan was communicated last week. In the same communication, I provided information around deadlines for High School students on July 29 and for all other students on August 5, 2020. The purpose of these deadlines is to properly gather information so that we can best organize a schedule for On Premise and Online.
Remember- if you are strongly considering or are certain with your decision to have your child(ren) begin school this coming year on line- Register here.
If you have specific questions regarding Methacton Online, continue to email Methactononline@methacton.org – This account will be monitored by Dr. Kelley Harmer, Eagleville Elementary Principal and the administrator in charge of Methacton Online.
Frequently asked questions regarding Methacton
My message from last week resulted in several questions from parents that we have provided responses to in our frequently asked questions section on our Reopening website.
There were a number of questions that relate to the On Premise plan which will be answered in the coming weeks.
On Premise Reopening Plan
Focus Group registration is now open
Dr. David Zerbe will be sharing the DRAFT plan for reopening Methacton Schools in advance of the Board of School Directors scheduled consideration on July 28, 2020. He will be taking questions on the plan and other matters of concern with the reopening of school.
Please register by July 20, 2020 if you plan to attend on one of two dates (both sessions will cover the identical material –however – questions from audience may be different): July 22 or July 23 from 7:30pm to 9:00pm Via Zoom. Invitations to the scheduled events will be issued on July 21, 2020.
Dr. David Zerbe
Superintendent of Schools -
Letter from the Superintendent - July 8, 2020
Dear Methacton Families,
IMPORTANT UPDATE ON Methacton School District Reopening Plan
The Methacton School District is preparing a reopening plan for the start of the 2020-2021 school term slated to begin August 31.
As a reminder, you can find all released and future documents and communications
relevant to the reopening of Methacton Schools here.
Methacton Schools will be reopening with on premise instruction by Methacton teachers using Methacton curriculum and resources in a traditional classroom environment inclusive of core, elective, related arts, and special areas. This reopening will include health and safety measures prescribed by the state and county health experts that will require modifications to some spaces, courses, gatherings, and daily routines. Students returning to school on premise is the most familiar learning environment for your child allowing us to provide for their academic, social, and emotional growth needs.
In effort to best plan for next school year, we need your help now.
BACKGROUND: Over the next several weeks, I will sharing the on premise health and safety plan with the following groups of people while working towards approval by the Board of School Directors on July 28, 2020.
- July 14, 2020 Home and School Parent Review Committee
- July 21, 2020 Work Session of the Board - Presentation of plan available to public for inspection
- July 22/23, 2020 Public Focus Group Presentation and Feedback on plan
- July 28, 2020 Board of School Directors – Final Approval of plan
PROBLEM STATEMENT: To properly plan, we must consider the number of students, subjects, and number of staff needed to provide the educational program. Understanding that there will be some parents/students who would rather attend school online, we have created the Methacton Online program as an alternative to on premise schooling. Knowing who is interested now or who is considering Methacton online VS on premise is critical to the scheduling of the program.
SOLUTION: If you are ready or are strongly considering an all online option for your child(ren) at the start of the 2020-2021 school year, please read the Methacton Online description.
Parents/Guardians ready to enroll and Parents/Guardians strongly considering Methacton Online for their child(ren) can complete the Methacton Online enrollment form now (requires knowing Student ID number).
If you have any additional questions or concerns, email us at MethactonOnline@methacton.org.
Dr. David Zerbe
Superintendent of Schools
Letter from the Superintendent - July 1, 2020
Dear Methacton Families,
With this message, I hope to encourage your family and you to truly enjoy this Independence Day weekend. Celebrate and do what makes sense for you and your loved ones. Please keep the spirit of the 4th in your hearts and minds as you enjoy this holiday.
I also want to share important information and a timeline for our reopening plan as we work towards welcoming back students to Methacton Schools on Monday, August 31, 2020.
REMINDER- You will find all released and upcoming documents and
communications relevant to the reopening of Methacton Schools here.Please refer to the timeline below for the process inclusive of parent feedback events as we work towards approval on July 28, 2020.
- July 6, 2020 Education Committee of the Board - Preliminary Draft Presentation and
Discussion of Instructional and Health and Safety Plan
- July 8, 2020 Release of Methacton Online Parent Interest Query – Soft Registration
- July 14, 2020 Present Plans to Parent Review Committee (Home and School Representatives)
- July 21, 2020 Board of School Directors – Work Session of the Board- Presentation of Plans
Plans in DRAFT format will be posted to Board Agenda for public review
- July 22, 2020 Public Focus Group Presentation and Feedback
- July 23, 2020 Public Focus Group Presentation and Feedback
- July 28, 2020 Board of School Directors – Final Approval of Instructional and Phased Health and Safety Plan
- July 29, 2020 Communications on Plan Distributed in all forms- Phone call, Email, Web site, Facebook, Twitter
- August 5, 2020 Methacton Online Parental Commitment Deadline
NOTE: Public Focus Groups on 7/22 and 7/23 will cover identical matters – Two dates held for parent/guardian convenience.
Plan Summary:
Schools are fundamental to the development and well-being of children and provide academic, social and emotional, safety, nutrition, and opportunities for physical activity, among many other benefits. Consistent with the American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as many health organizations who are strongly advocating for students to be physically present in school this Fall, the Methacton School District’s reopening plan focuses on providing on-premises instruction by Methacton teachers using our Methacton curriculum and resources. The district is planning to provide as close to traditional on premises live instruction to students in core, elective, related arts, and special areas as possible, while taking health and safety measures that will require some modifications to some courses, gatherings, and daily routines.
The plan accounts for the on premises offerings from an instructional, health and safety focus. It also addresses the following needs:
- The continuity of education for students who may be required to quarantine as a result of guidance from a medical professional;
- The continuity of instruction for all students dependent on the level of viral transmission in the school and throughout the community where teachers will be prepared to deliver instruction regardless of place;
- Outlines an alternative to on premises instruction where Methacton curriculum is delivered via Google Classroom with live synchronous whole class, small group, and individualized instruction by Methacton teachers entitled Methacton Online.
I am grateful to our community for your partnership and support as we work together to reopen Methacton Schools.
Dr. David Zerbe
Superintendent of Schools
Letter from the Superintendent - June 24, 2020
Dear Methacton Families,
While I know that school has just ended for what most of us can agree has been one of the most challenging years on record, I want you to know that we have begun to develop our Roadmap to Reopening Methacton Schools. As we work towards the specifics of what this means for all our families and their children, I want everyone to know that we are keeping our student and staff safety at the forefront of our decision-making process, along with ensuring high-quality and structured program delivery for all students.
We are preparing to welcome back all students to school on Monday, August 31, 2020, barring any unforeseen closures or restrictions for on premises instruction. In general, our plan will provide on premises instruction by our Methacton teachers.
As of this writing, we are organizing our plan with consideration to our physical spaces, staffing, and available resources so that we can provide as close to a traditional in person start of school as possible. While using guidance from multiple sources we are including preventative measures where and when reasonable and appropriate. We are making classroom and building configuration changes to promote social distancing and safety without compromising the learning environment. In addition, we have invested in cleaning and sanitizing equipment that enables us to thoroughly, effectively, and efficiently clean individual classrooms, materials and equipment or entire schools rapidly. Our plan will encourage student and staff use of masks or shields.
As described in our Roadmap document, we will also have an alternative to the on premises return to school. Methacton will leverage the feedback from parent survey and community focus group meetings and will structure a Methacton Virtual Academy that focuses on live instruction by Methacton teachers, is based on Methacton curriculum, has specific daily and weekly structured learning activities, leverages a combination of whole class, small group, and individual instruction, and other supporting asynchronous instruction and enrichment activities.
Recently, the Board of School Directors approved the first, in what will be many, return to school plans this past Tuesday for “Off-Season Return to Play” plan. This plan will be followed up with a plan for the safe resumption of practices and in season participation in July.
In closing, I want to thank our students, parents, and staff for their patience, flexibility, and resilience. We’ve created a Roadmap to Reopening Methacton Schools section on the district website for all matters related this process. Please look for more information on these and other return to school matters in the coming weeks. We plan to present our return to school plans to the Board of School Directors at a meeting scheduled for July 21, 2020 and, if approved, will be posted to the district website and communicated to all families shortly thereafter.
Dr. David Zerbe
Superintendent of Schools