

    Marking System

    Marks for reports to parents and office records shall be expressed numerically to describe the quality of student achievement. Percentages will be reported to the nearest whole number.

    90-100% - Excellent. Work is characterized by accuracy, neatness, originality, thorough understanding, and effort to an exceptional degree.

    80-89% - Above average. Work is characterized by a high degree of understanding. 

    70-79% - Average. This mark indicates satisfactory completion of minimum requirements. It is the minimum grade used to qualify for the next sequential course.

    60-69% - Passing. This mark indicates less than satisfactory attainment of minimum standards. If this mark is recorded as a final average mark, the student receives credit toward promotion or graduation, but does not qualify for advanced work in the next sequential course.

    59% or below - Failure. Work is generally incomplete and unacceptable for credit. The course must be repeated if required for promotion or graduation.

    Incomplete (I) - The work must be made up before credit is given. Failure to complete major projects satisfactorily or to turn in daily assignments regularly is cause for marking the student “incomplete,” and can result in failure for the year regardless of marks that have been recorded in earlier report periods.

    Class Rank

    A. Class rank is based on the cumulative grade point average and is computed at the end of each marking period.   To differentiate between identical GPA’s, the 100 point GPA scale will be used.

    B. Semester courses with a mid-term examination will receive 20% of the grade from the examination and 80% from the two marking period grades.

    C. Full year courses will receive 20% of the grade from an average of the midterm examination and the final examination. The four marking period grades will count for 80% of the grade.

    D. Advanced Placement courses provide weighted grades by granting additional quality points. Each passing grade will be multiplied by a factor of 1.2 when attempting to determine a grade point average for class rank.
    E.   Dual Enrollment and honors level courses provide weighted grades by granting additional quality points. Each passing grade will be multiplied by a factor of 1.1 when attempting to determine a grade point average for class rank.