• Recent Project Presentations

    Project History:
    By unanimous vote during their regular meeting on October 25, 2011, the Methacton School District Board of School Directors approved an athletic field improvement and lights project at Methacton High School. These improvements are to include the installation of synthetic turf and stadium lights.
    July 16, 2013
    A special presentation was made during the Board's regularly scheduled Tuesday, July 16 work session meeting.  This presentation provided the Board with a complete overview of the project's progress to date. This presentation is provided for download here.
    October 16, 2012
    During the October 16 Board worksession meeting, Superintendent Dr. Timothy J. Quinn presented the Board with a document drafted by the administration as a result of a series of meetings with residents who live adjacent to the high school's athletic fields.  The document, prepared to serve as a "Use Agreement," outlines a series of expectations around who can use the lighted fields, when the fields will be lit and how, expectations around noise resulting from events taking place on the fields, use of illuminated scoreboards and more. The superintendent will now take the Board's comments into consideration when meeting with the neighbors to discuss potential changes to the document.
    February 27, 2012
    Architerra, PC Presentation to the Board on Athletic Facility Improvements at MHS
    During the February 27, 2012 regular board meeting, Mr. David Horn of Architerra, PC, the architectural firm working with the Board and administration to plan improvements to the outdoor athletic facilities at MHS, made a presentation that outlines the shortcomings of the current athletic fields based on annual usage, the potential impact that artificial fields and lights can have on the overall campus as well as possible field locations and cost parameters.

    Archive - October 18, 2011
    Assistant Principal for Athletics and Activities Paul Spiewak, along with members of the high school faculty and coaching staff, delivered a detailed athletic field improvement proposal to the Board during their regular meeting on October 18.  This presentation represents a continuation of a conversation that began in August of 2008, when Superintendent Dr. Timothy J. Quinn presented the Board with an Athletics Facilities Feasibility Study at a public meeting. That conversation is now focused on the possibility of pursuing a capital project that would include the installation of two synthetic turf fields on the MHS campus, including a stadium field and multi-purpose field.

    During the presentation, Methacton's Director of Business Services, Denis McCall, informed the Board that given the low municipal interest rates and recent savings from bond refinancings, the cost of this capital project could be funded entirely without an increase in taxes. A table that outlines the district's overall debt service was included.

    Click here to download the October 18 Athletic Fields Improvement Proposal